Chapter Fifty-Four

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Ben sat at his desk, a tight knot of anxiety in his stomach. His eyes sunk in and blood shot from the lack of sleep he'd had all week. Every time he caught even just a glimpse of Seth he wanted to put him back in his place and tell him the truth but he knew he couldn't. His mood had been sour all week and he'd been pushing Charlotte away, worried that if he was to start talking he wouldn't stop and he'd tell her everything that had been found out at the beginning of the week.

"I'm going to grab something to eat, want me to get you anything?" He looked up to see Charlotte stood in the doorway.

"No thanks babe." He said as he turned his attention back to the work he was meant to be doing.

"Ok." She said quietly.

When he thought she had gone he let out a deep sigh his shoulders slumped and he dropped his head on to the desk with a thud. Then like the angel he knew she was, he felt two warm, soft hands start to rub at the tight muscles in his shoulders.

"Whatever it is that's causing you to not sleep and withdraw...again. Please tell me that you know you can talk to me." She whispered as she placed a kiss on the back of his neck. "I hate seeing you like this, please let me help. Don't push me away."

He stayed quiet for a moment, trying to think of a plausible excuse for how he was being "I'm sorry Lott, really I am. I'm trying to not let him bother me but he is and Jen being a bitch isn't helping."

"I knew something was wrong. Why didn't you just say? You've been off since you got home from the gym Monday night." She crouches down in front of him, turning his chair so that he was facing her.

"You've got more than enough on your plate..."

"Ben! We already talked about this. You kept telling me to stop blaming myself for what happened to you. I listened. You need to listen to me when I tell you we're in this together." She stroked a hand down his face and tugged his beard.

"I love you so much." He lent forward resting his forehead against hers.

"I love you too." She smiled. "Maybe a good session at the gym tonight will help you out of your little funk." She gave him a kiss. "And I might even get my little friend out for when you get home." She grinned.

"Yeah? That might help." He let out a laugh that died in seconds when he realised that anything sex related would most likely be the last thing on her mind after what is going to happen, happens.

"Don't forget I'm staying a little later than normal today. Stan's ruby wedding anniversary! Can you believe it! Forty years of marriage." She sighed happily.

"Sounds like a dream, with the right person." He smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes.

"Sorry..." she whispered casing him to frown at her. "The whole divorce situation."

"Why are you sorry for that?" He rubbed his nose against hers before giving her a peck on the lips. "I'm only sorry I didn't do it sooner. It's near the end now though. Finally light at the end of the tunnel." He smiles at her, this time it was a genuine one because it really was nearly over. "Be done with before before we know it. Especially after her stunt the other day."

"I want it over with sooner rather than later... for your benefit. One less thing for you to stress over." She smiled against his lips. "Mine and Rosie's dresses for the wedding came today. Mum's taking them home when she takes Rosie and Bonny back this afternoon."

"You going to give me a sneak peek?" He licked his lips and gave her a kiss. "Tom asked Max to be his best man, he wants me and Steve as's kind of expected for a groomsman to try it on with a bridesmaid isn't it?"

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