Chapter Thirty-Three.

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"Come on! We're going to be late!" Rosie shouted from by the front door as she waited to go for lunch.

"I'm coming!" Charlotte called out as she walked out of the bedroom and Ben walked out of the bathroom.

"Lets go! After you ladies." He let them through the door ahead of him so he could lock up. "Don't run down the stairs Rosie! You'll fall!" He shouted as the young girl ran off ahead of them.

"Wait by the door!" Charlotte shouted, not wanting her to go too far ahead, just in case she did somehow get hurt.

When her and Ben got to the main entrance of the building they stopped to see a wide-eyed Rosie looking at them. "Ben, your truck..." She pointed at it and he stepped forward to look over her head.

"What the fuck!" He shouted as he ran out of the door and over to it

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"What the fuck!" He shouted as he ran out of the door and over to it. "What the actual fuck!" As he ran a hand down the side and felt the long deep scratches that were hidden underneath the spray paint.

"Oh my god! What the hell!" Charlotte ran over. "Who the hell would do that?" She ran a hand down his back.

"Who the fuck do you think! How the fuck did he find out where I live for fuck sake!"

Just then Charlotte's phone started to ring out with a number she didn't recognise. "Hello?"

"Big improvement don't you think. You don't think you were going to be able to hide forever do you?"

Seeing the colour drain from her face, Ben quickly took the phone from her.
"You're a fucking prick! Do you know that! A childish, fucking coward!"

"I do love seeing you get angry..." Jack taunted.

"When I get my fucking hands on you..." Ben growled but the phone line went dead.

"Ermm Ben..." Rosie said from the other side of the truck.

"Yeah sweetheart?" He rubbed his face and groaned when he heard the tone of her little voice. Charlotte walked around to the other side and let out a sigh before looking over at him and shaking her head when he looked at her.

"We'll go in my car; you should ring the crime number and talk to Ms Wilks. Tell her what's happened and about him calling again. It's more to go against him." She suggested as he walked around to her and saw that all four tyres were flat.

"Fucking cunt." He muttered under his breath as he took some photos and then walked over to her car. "We'll need to use your car for work tomorrow too. Well until I can get that sorted actually! Bloody insurance premium is gunna go up now too!" He said as he got in her car.
"Hey handsome." Charlotte purred as she stood in the office doorway making him look up from his desk. "Where's Steve?" She asked as she closed the door and made her way over to him. Sitting back in his chair giving her room to stand between his legs and sit on the edge of the desk.

"Think he's out working on a saw." He ran his hands up her hips and rested them on her waist. "They've been having problems with it all day." Wheeling his chair back to his desk and pulling her down on to his lap so she was straddling him. "Have you finished for the day?" He asked as she started to kiss his neck.

"Yeah..." another little kiss"Have you?" she asked as ran her fingers through his hair.

Burying his face in her cleavage "Not yet, might be a late one tonight." He mumbled as he rubbed his face between her breasts, causing his stubble to tickle her and make her laugh. Suddenly the door flew open.

"Thank fuck that's sorted! I am done in! Oh Jesus Christ! Seriously!"

"Knock then!" Ben whined as Charlotte hid her face in his neck.

"We share this office! Im going home!"

"Can you give Charl a lift? I've got some stuff to finish off before I can go and she needs to get Rosie."

"Yeah sure. Get your shit together quick, I want to go home."

Giving him a quick peck on the lips before she hopped off his lap and headed to her office.

"I'll text when I'm heading home." He said as they walked past the door.

"Ok. Love you!" She shouted back to him making him smile.

"Love you too." He shouted. "Fuck Mondays! Have a couple of weeks off and everything goes to shit!" He sat talking to himself.

Before he knew it seven oclock arrived and Stan was leaving for the night. Grabbing Charlottes car keys, his wallet and phone from the draw in his desk, he turned off the computer and headed out; turning lights off as he went. "I'll lock up Stan, get yourself home mate. Pam will be worrying if you're late."

"Night Ben, have a good one." He nodded as he got in to his car and headed off.

Doors locked and the alarm armed, he made his way to the car.

Ben; Heading home now. See you in 10 xxx
Lottie; Will run us a bubble bath once Rosie has gone to bed 😉 love you xxx

Smiling as he wrote a reply,

Ben; The thought of you covered in bubbles... 🍌 ! That image is going straight in the wank bank. Love you more xxx
Lottie; 😂😂 You're disgusting! xxxx
Ben; You love it! Xxx
Ben; Don't get me started on that peachy arse of yours! 🤤 xxx
Lottie; 🍑🍌
Ben; 😱😱😱
Lottie; 😁 hurry home xxxx

Laughing to himself as he put his phone in centre console as he got in the car. When suddenly the alarm started to sound. "You've got to be fucking kidding me." He mumbled as he headed back to the building.

Opening the door, disarming the alarm and setting off to look and to where the apparent problem was located. Walking to check the offices to see nothing out of the ordinary. So, made his way to check the fire exits in the mill. As he made his way through the machinery a noise caught his attention, turning to see nothing he turned back to carry on with his check only to be stopped by a hooded figure.

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