Chapter Fifty-Two.

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"Did you have a nice weekend?" Courtney's voice pulled Charlotte from her thoughts.

"Not particularly. How about you?" She replied with elaborating more on her answer.

"Is everything? Has there been another problem with Jack?" Her face full of concern for her new friend and her family.  "Hey, can tell me." She said as she hurried over to her as tears started to fall. "Come here." She whispered pulling her in to a hug. "Listen, I've got a couple of things I need to chase up for your dad. Once I'm done I'll go get us a coffee and you can talk about it yeah. Might help to get it off your chest."

"Thanks Courtney." She gave her a small smile as she wiped her eyes. "Would you mind pulling the door to slightly. Don't want Ben or Steve to see me crying...again."

"Ok, I'll be back soon." She smiled as she walked out pulling the door slightly closed.


"Sorry I took so long. I had to show someone to Ben's office and then I had to run and find him. Here's your latte." Courtney told her as she sat opposite her.

"Who's here to see him?" Charlotte frowned.

"I didn't catch her name. He was just about to go in as I came..." She was cut short as Charlotte was up out of her seat and out her office door.

When she got to his office the door was open so she walked straight in but froze on the spot when she saw none other than Jen with her body firmly pressed against him, against the wall and kissing him.

"Get the fuck off!" Ben snarled and forcefully pushed her off of himself before wiping his mouth on his jacket sleeve. A small movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention making his head shoot up in the direction it came from. Seeing Charlotte stood there wide eyed, fighting back tears with her lip trembling. "Lottie... It's not what it looked like." He took a step towards her, holding his hand out to her.

Shaking her head she stepped back further away from him as her chest started to heave.

"It's exactly what it looked like. After a ten year marriage, twenty year relationship, feelings don't just stop." Jennifer smirked at Charlotte.

"Shut the hell up and get the fuck out!" Ben snapped.

"If anyone should be angry, it should be me!" She said as she picked at one of her painted nails.

"How the fuck do you figure that?" He snapped, his temper starting to get the better of him.

"I lost count how many times you called out her name in your sleep or while you were jacking off in the shower. Mind you, it made me feel a little less guilty whenever I was with someone else."

Having heard enough from her he grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the office, past a shell shocked Charlotte and  towards the main entrance.

"Jesus Ben! If I'd known you could be so assertive and aggressive I might not have strayed. It's so hot. So sexy." She hummed in satisfaction.

Suddenly planting her feet to stop his movements she pulled her arm free, using it to pull his mouth to hers while her free hand grabbed at his crotch and started to rub him through his jeans.

Pushing her with maybe a little too much force, to get her off of him, she stumbled backwards and fell out through the door.

"Do not fucking touch me! Do not come fucking near me! Do not fucking contact me for any reason! And stay the hell away from Charlotte! Do you hear me! I'm not playing your fucking games anymore Jen! We are over! Get it through your skull! Over! Finished! Done!" He screamed at her.

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