Chapter Four.

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A few weeks had passed since Charlotte started back at the timber mill. Will hadn't been joking when he said everything was a mess. Meetings were double booked, missing some promising future customers. Current customer account files were jumbled up and mixed with others ones. Steven is very good at his job as a foreman but clearly helping as and when he could in the office, was not a strong skill of his.

Over the weeks, the work load had doubled and he was feeling the extra pressure. It was decided by Peter and William that they would take on an extra foreman. Steve could concentrate on the mill side of production and the new foreman could concentrate on the yard work and dispatching.

"Courtney, could you get in touch with the relevant avenues to advertise the new foreman role please." Charlotte called out to the businesses receptionist as she walked out of her office. "Here's the advert that Dad and William would like to be posted on the website. They'd like the job to go live on Friday this week and want to do the interviews a week on Monday."

"Yeah sure, no problem." She replied while tapping away at her phone.

"Be careful! You know how they both get if they see anyone on their phone during work hours. Save it for your break." She said to the girl with a warm smile on her face. "I'm going on my lunch break now, so any calls, could you take any messages for me?"

"Sorry Char, just a guy I had started talking, pestering me to meet him but won't take no for an answer. It won't happen again." She smiled and Charlotte nodded in response. "I'll take messages for you, that's absolutely fine." She replied.

As she walks past the front desk, heading towards the canteen, Sally and Billie walk through the main door.

"Tell me you're going on your lunch break! Please!" Sally exclaimed waving her arms around her head!

"Perfect timing! Just going now." Charlotte laughed.

After they all grabbed some lunch and a drink, they went to find and sit at a table tucked away in a corner.

"What do I owe the pleasure of your company today?" Charlotte asked while tucking in to her ketchup drenched chips.

"Any excuse to come see you, you know that. However today has a purpose. I need advice." Sally stated.

"Sally I love you, you dragged me out of work and out here just for advice?" Billie asked gaining a scowl from Sally and a snigger from Charlotte.

"Don't give me that! You hate your job at times! This is important! Im really anxious about it and I need my best friends input on the matter." She exclaimed almost hysterical.

"Calm down Sal! She wasn't being serious. Whats up?"

"Max wants to start trying bondage." She whispered.

Shes met by a long silent pause.

"Guys, input! Please! What the hell do I tell him?"

Laughter erupts from the two.

"Why are you asking us?" Charlotte asked trying hard not to laugh.

"As if you've never tried it before!" Billie chortled.

"This is bloody serious! I don't want to be tied down and thrashed with a bloody spatula!" She hissed while trying to contain a giggle.

"Thats not bondage Sal! Thats more like BDSM! Bondage can be light; cuffs, silk cord... It doesn't have to mean he has you hanging from the ceiling whipping your ass!" Billie said with a calm, serious expression.

Both Charlotte and Sally sat staring, mouths falling open in shock.

"Ok, wasn't expecting that! Though it makes sense after Tom telling Max you get really horny on gin! Clearly you'll try anything eh!" Charlotte stated laughing. "She's right though Sal. It doesn't have to be anything too rough." She added.

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