Chapter Twenty-One.

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He drove as fast as he legally could to try and get there, in hopes that she was waiting. Nothing. No sign of her car anywhere. The coffee shop she liked to go to was his next bet but when he got there, she was nowhere to be seen. Looking at the time and seeing he had to be back in ten minutes, he decided to just grab them something quick while he was in there and get her favourite coffee to take back for her. When he pulled up back at work he saw her car but he also saw Ellies parked next to it. "Fucking fantastic!" He muttered to himself as he got out of the truck.

Walking in to reception Steve was heading towards him. "Oh good! You're back! I'm off for my break."

"Ok." He didn't stop to say anything else to him.

Shaking his head as he walked out the door. "His moods are giving me bloody whiplash!" He said to himself.

Glad that Courtney wasnt at her desk, he headed towards Charlottes office, the door was slightly ajar, "I feel bloody stupid!" He heard her say.

"Why?" Good question he thought to himself. He knew he should walk away but curiosity got the better of him.

"I encouraged her!" She said as though it was an obvious answer.

He heard Ellie sigh "Did you know she was talking about him?"

"Of course I bloody didn't! Im not that stupid Elenore!"

"Don't bloody call me that! You know only mum does!" She huffed.

He heard her let out a defeated sigh. "It's not like I can get jealous and even if he said yes, I can't really be mad at him." Shocked at that comment, he nearly dropped her coffee.

"You confuse me! One minute you're cussing about the whole thing and now you're saying you cant be jealous or mad!"

"Im not his girlfriend! Hell, she is gorgeous! Younger than me as well! By ten fucking years! She doesn't have the baggage that I have..." Where the hell did that come from? he thought to himself. He wasn't sure if he was more hurt or pissed that she thinks hes like that.

"Stop right fucking there! Are you even listening to yourself right now?" He had to admit it was good hearing Ellie was on board with them seeing each other.
"He loves Rosie! She's not baggage and he'd be pissed if he knew that even for a second that's how you thought he saw her! So, he hasn't asked you to be his bloody girlfriend! Who needs labels... Oh god! Don't! Don't start crying on me!"

And this ladies and gents is why you shouldnt eaves drop on conversations he thought.

"I just, I really like him El. I always have! The more time I spend with him, the more I realise I think Im actually in..."

He chose that exact moment to knock on the door. Hearing a sniff, he assumed came from Charlotte.

"Come in." Ellie called out.

"Sorry I got held up. I couldn't find you and I didn't know if..." He said as he walked in and looked up. "Oh, hey Ellie." He decided playing dumb was risky but his only option. "Didn't realise you'd be here or I would have brought you something." He smiled at her before turning his attention back to Charl. "I got you a caramel latte and one of those white chocolate and raspberry muffins you like so much, from Ginos..." At that Charlotte burst out crying.
"Hey!" He put their drinks and cakes down on her desk as he walked around to her crouching down in front of her and taking her hands in his, Ellie stayed quiet in her seat.

"Is this about earlier? About Courtney?" She nodded as she took her hand from him and wrapped them round his neck "She said she'd spoken to you; I had no idea thats how she felt. Took me by surprise Charl. Told her I wasn't looking to be seeing anyone." She sniffled and pulled away from him.

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