Chapter Thirty-One (NSFW)

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"Where exactly are we going?" Charlotte asked him as they pulled out of the school carpark.

"Well, first we're going to drop yours and Rosie's stuff off at mine...Might even finish what we started this morning..." He grinned and gave her exposed thigh a squeeze. "I need to go in to town to get a few things. Then we're going to pick something up that I ordered, so to speak, a few weeks ago. We're going back to mine, where you're having a nice soak in the bath. Oh, and Steve is going to pick Rosie up and they're having her for the night!" He beamed at her.

"Ermm... What do you need to get? What did you order? When did you talk to Steve, why are they having Rosie?"

"So inquisitive! I need to get a few things for tonight. It's a surprise. I text him last night after you had fell asleep on the sofa. Because we're having a date night! Happy?" He laughed.

Letting out a laugh she shook her head. "What are you up to?"

"Making up for being a twat?" He laughed.

"You're not a twat." She sighed. "Ok, I hate that you did it because it hurt. And as much as it hurt I can, just about, see why you did it." Turning to look at him "He would have just had to get use to the fact that we're together."

"I really don't see how you're so ok about it but I'm not going to argue." He was interrupted by his phone ringing.

"Speak of the devil." Charlotte laughed.

"Hey!" Ben called out.

"Please for the love of fucking god can you get her to ring mum!"


"She's going mental at me again! That's why!"

"Why?..." Charlotte trying to hold in a laugh at the fact Ben was successfully winding him up by doing practically nothing.

"Seriously? Because she thinks you two split up! Why the fuck else!"

"How's Ellie been?" He sniggered.

"This is not fucking funny Ben! Ok! I admitted I was a dick! I said sorry! Her being upset this week has been your doing!"

"As a result of your behaviour Steve!" Charlotte chimed in.

"I'm on loud speaker? Charlie, I am sorry ok. I over reacted! I'm not saying I'm one hundred percent ok with the whole thing but I'm trying. Ok. That's all I can do. As for when I hit..."

"Accidents happen Steve. I'll live. The bruise is easy enough to hide. I'll talk to mum and Ellie, get them to lay off." She told him as Ben took her hand in his and kissed her knuckles.

"I'd appreciate that. Always knew there was a reason you were my favourite..."

"You're just brown nosing now!" Ben laughed.

"Piss off! I'm going to work because some of us have to do extra when the other doesn't turn up!" He whined.

"I can come in if you can't cope! Would just mean I can't go get that thing that I told you about last night."

"No, no. It's fine. She'll love it. They both will. Even more now after what happened. Let me know how it goes yeah?"

"Will do." He hung up with a smile on his face as he pulled up in front of his home. "Come on let's go drop this off. Got a busy day."


Opening his front door while he carried one bag in his hand and the other over his shoulder, he dropped them in the hallway, while Charlotte closed the door behind them. As she turned to face him he grabbed hold of her ass, making her squeak. Lifting her up and kissing her passionately, as she wrapped her legs around his waist and he walked them down the hall to the bedroom, kicking his trainers off on the way.

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