Chapter 55: Fix This

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~Elliott POV~

Elliott sat in the car with his mother and Klaus as they drove far away from New Orleans. His mother held him in her arms, squeezing onto him as tightly as she possibly could, and Elliott couldn't help but feel bittersweet about the moment.

"Dad, you need to stop here." Elliott told him as they neared a rundown house.

"Why?" He asked him.

"I can see the future, just trust me on this one." He told him. "Mom, could you give me a hand?"

"Um sure Kiddo." Hayley said as the two of them exited the vehicle. Elliott led her behind the house and handed her a pair of car keys and a plane ticket.

"You flight leaves tomorrow night." He told her quietly.

"What?" Hayley said in confusion. "I'm not leaving you."

"But you have to, Mom." He told he with a sad smile. "It's the only way."

"What are you talking about?"

"I need you to go find Anastasia." He told her. "And I have to stay with Klaus."

"That girl you said would help you kill The Hollow." Hayley recalled. "Why can't you come with me? We can find her together."

"If I leave Klaus, I will die."

~Rebekah POV~

"Rebekah, are you alright?" Freya asked her younger sister as she looked over plants in the church tower.

"You mean other than containing an ancient malignant spirit that continues to rattle inside my skull?" Rebekah replied monotonously.

"That will subside." Freya told her. "When you leave the city, that is. Once you're on your own."

"Then I suppose I shouldn't dally." Rebekah murmured, before turning to Freya. "You know I spent eight glorious months covered in spit up, changing dirty diapers and reading bedtime stories to that sweet girl. Please give her this necklace. And make sure she knows that her Aunty Bex loves her."

"Sister, I will fix this." Freya assured her, causing Rebekah to let out a small laugh.

"You are such a Mikaelson. Stubborn until the end." Rebekah remarked before clutching her sister's hands. "I'm going to give you some advice that took me way too long to learn. Family is sacred, but so is love. What you have with Keelin, don't lose that."

Rebekah gave her sister a tight hug before going to make her own way in the world, now without her family for eternity.

~Elliott POV~

"Hayley, when Silas told me about the different timelines, he didn't just tell me. There are three of us." Elliott told him. "Me, Inadu and Anastasia. And if one dies, the other two go down with them."

"Elliott, are you going to die?" Hayley asked him frantically.

"No. As long as I stay with a part of Inadu at all times, I'll be fine." Elliott explained. "But that rule extends to Stasia. She needs to be with a part of The Hollow, otherwise she will die too, taking me down with her."

"But it's more than that." Hayley said in understanding. "You love her."

"My feelings for Stasia are in a rough place right now." Elliott told her sheepishly. "But I don't want her to die, no. Which is why I need you to look for her."

"Why can't you and Klaus come with me?" Hayley asked.

"Because she and I can't share one part of The Hollow." Elliott explained. "Trust me, I don't wanna do this either. I love you so much Mom."

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