Chapter 49: Fitting Into Boxes

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~Elliott POV~

"If Klaus got to him—"

"Then you have to leave anyway." Josh finished for Davina as the three of them waited for Kol to join them. "You almost died back there! The first time we met, you told me you wanted to be normal." Josh added.

"You said normal's relative." Davina said smugly.

"Yeah, but when you're a Harvest Girl with an Original Vampire boyfriend, normal's always going to be relative." Josh said with a small chuckle. "But with or without it you have to take this chance. You deserve it."

When Davina still seemed hesitant, Elliott knew he would have to step in and convince her to leave.

"Do you know what my favourite memory is? Like of all time, not even just us three?" He asked her. "It was my "birthday party". It wasn't close to my birthday or anything like that, just on a whim. And I like it so much because it was just the three of us being the closest we would ever be to normal. And we had to say our wishes and you said I wish I was normal. I wish I was the underdog that won Spring Fling Queen, and I went to stupid parties and I kissed stupid boys. I remember telling you the best piece of advice I have ever given anyone. The supernatural will always want to be normal and the normal will always want to be something more. But we have one advantage that they don't. We can take that leap. We can live that normal life. And maybe some of those ships have sailed away, but you're at the docks. Don't miss your last shot."

"That was a lot of boat metaphors." Davina said with a wry laugh.

"Metaphors work." Elliott continued.

"I can't just leave him." Davina said sadly.

"Well that sounds like a broken promise." Kol said as he sauntered into the back alleyway. Davina turned and practically leapt into her boyfriend's arms pulling him in for a deep kiss.

"I thought that you were daggered or worse." Davina told him.

"I caught Klaus in a rare tactical moment." Kol explained. "But it won't last long. Are you ready to go?"

"Anywhere." Davina answered happily.

"Anywhere? Everywhere!" Kol told her before pulling her in for another kiss.

"How cheesy." Elliott told Josh.

"Is this the part where I clear my throat or...?" Josh added jokingly as the two lovebirds turned back to face him with a cheeky grin.

"Thank you." Kol told Josh.

"Try not to get into any trouble." Elliott told his uncle with a smirk. "Or at least not too much."

"I wouldn't be Kol Mikaelson if I did." Kol told him before doing their handshake and jumping into the car.

"I want you both to know." Davina said as she took her two friend's hands in hers. "I love you."

"Love you too." The two told her, all three of them beaming.

"Group hug!" Davina said as she brought all of them in for a tight hug.

"Okay, now get outta here, you know before my dad gets all murder-y and stuff." Elliott told her.

"Go on!" Josh urged and Davina entered the passenger seat.

"Our girl's all grown up." Elliott told Josh playfully.

"Says the two-year-old." Josh sniggered.

"Actually, I'm seven now." Elliott answered and the mood went sullen.

"Elliott, I know we haven't talked and I know that it's my fault. And I'm sorry." Josh told him earnestly. "You were going through a rough time. And as your friend, I should've been there for you."

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