Chapter 14

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Ryan's POV-
I followed them through the castle. I actually followed behind, Marie and Luke talked in front for like 15 minutes. Soon later they both turned and looked back at me, they had the same expressions as eachother which looked kinda suspicious.

'So... we came up with a conclusion on what we should do with you,' Marie began.

'Our solution is that we keep you here obviously, but either we have to keep you in the dungeon, if needed or we can arrange a room of which you can stay in, you can design it and chose what you would like, but only if you behave and follow our rules,' Luke explained.

'So what do you think, I hope you say the second decision!' Marie said while doing jazz hands dramatically.

'I... I think the second option?' I said slightly questioning my choice.

'Good answer, we'll begin now, follow me,' Luke said, as he walked down the corridor.

We walked for about 5 minutes before we stopped at a huge space of wall, which now I say is kinda weird to explain. Marie wasn't far behind, she had stopped to talk to a man with a red cape, and later followed me and Luke.

I don't know why I'm choosing to follow their rules, maybe it's because of shock, or maybe I dont want to go home, or even because I don't want to stay in the dungeon, theres alot of things going through my head at the moment as you can see.

'So here is where we'll form your room, mind telling me the colour and the types of things you could potentiality like in there,'

'Uhh, sure? Just something with maybe a mint green wall colour and maybe some lights decorating around the room,' I said trying to think of what would fit.

'Alright let's see how this goes,' Luke said before cracking his hands together and snapping his fingers.

A light blue glow sparked on the wall, then it began to grow into a rectangular shape. After some seconds, a door was formed, it was light brown wood, with a metal doorknob. The door frame was also the same kind of wood as the door.

After some more seconds, the glowing through the bottom of the door stopped, and Luke walked over to it before smiling and opening it. He held out his arm and showed me inside. It was a mint green room like I asked, and it had a huge king sized bed which had dark and light green bedding, also spread around the room were fairy lights, which each two of them had a yellow light and a light green light, as in on the row was one green light and then afterwards in the row was a yellow light.

There was also a balcony which illuminated facing the moonlight, I didnt realise it was night yet but I guess it was. Also on the bed were different sized pillows, with some stuffed animals placed neatly across the pillows.

Luke and Marie came I side together, and smiled at each other. Honestly it was awesome! But I shouldn't be content, I'm hopefully not staying here long. I felt my body stroll over to the bed and throw myself onto it. I spread my arms out and basically made a snow angel out of the stuffies and pillows.

I realized j wasnt here for a vacation, and quickly sat up. My face started to burn as I rolled off the bed and onto the floor, and then standing up.

'Ummmm...,' I felt my cheeks turn a little more heated.

'No continue, we're sorry for disturbing you,' Marei said before leaving and giggling slightly.

'Take no notice of her she's a little too embarrassing,' Luke said rubbing his neck.

'Oh, ok... sorry for ringing the beds also thanks for not imprisoning me, I appreciate that,' I said nervously smiling at him.

'Hey, no problem,'

Then it was silent, not awkward but just silent. I looked around the room, until Luke spoke again.

'You know your kinda like a kid, stubborn but still out for adventure,' he said laughing.

'Well I'm probably older than you,' I said looking back at him.

'I doubt that, I'm 237 years old,' he said nervously smiling again.

'Huh?! 237?! You look so young! Wait how old is Marie then?' I asked.

'Shes alot older, 629 ot be exact,'

'Damn! That's like the 15th century!'

'Yeah well shes a bit old fashioned, she wears that hat, which is so last year,' Luke said, laughing after.

'Huh, guess theres alot to the world which I didnt realise,' I said.

'Well I guess that's for the best, you shouldn't need to worry about the world, your meant to worry about your kingdom,' Luke said sadly.

'But look on the bright side, atleast I met you,' I said hopefully.

Luke smiled at that and then began to walk out of the room.

'If you need anything, my room is right next door, just knock,' and with that he left the room.

RAWR! Hi guys! Sorry I was gone again, my connection went down, also I lost my TV remote and got in alot of trouble for it. Anyway I'm back (again) hopefully. Also sorry for the amount of green in Ryan's/ Ohm's new room. I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you next time! Thanks for reading! Have a nice day :)

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