Chapter 6 P.1

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Lui walked down to the bottom of the tower, occupied by the two wizards. He slowly walked down to the bookshelf, and flipped a torch nearby, the bookshelf turned to the side to reveal a hidden passage and walked through.

At the end of the passage stood a man, with dark brown hair, almost black hair, and green eyes, he wore a green shirt, and black pants.

'H-hey...' Lui whispered.

'Oh hello, how ye doing, Lui?' David said.

'Uhh... Prince Ryan and Prince Evan know about the barrier breakage...' Lui finally spoke.

David dropped his glass filled to the brim with pink liquid which spilled all over the cobble floor.

'They- what?'

'You heard me David, they know,'

'Well, what did ya tell em'?'

'I told them the truth...'

'Lui we can't do that ya know, we're supposed to free em and not let the whole world, but ya went and did I didnt ya? What's the King and Queen gonna think of this?!'

'The king and Queen dont deserve to be called that David! They killed our Princess, she could have saved us wizards but they killed her! Just because they'd promised to help us get our full magic back doesn't mean they will!' Lui finally yelled.

'We have to tell the King and Queen,' David said before walking out, leaving Lui speechless.

David walked out of the tower and out of the castle gates, towards a small cabin in the middle of the field, and knocked on the wooden door.

'Your majesties, it's me, Nogla,'

Did you guys expect this?! No? Well I'm sorry... So yeah David goes by two names, hehe, Why? You'll have to find out in Chapter 6 P.2! Thanks for reading! Have a nice day :)

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