Twenty Five - Planned mistake

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11:00 a.m.

The students were having their first luncheon time. However, Hyuna and Ji Yeon were on the rooftop, discussing about the plan that Hyunjin found out only between them.

"So? What are we going to do? Hyunjin already found out, he will blow up if we proceed without them knowing." Ji Yeon sat down on the floor, pulling her hair.

"But Ji Yeon, are you sure you want to follow me?"

"Honestly." Ji Yeon had been keeping something for quite long.
"That Ji Hyun- He texted me everyday, asking about you. What would I do? I couldn't say anything as the cops are still letting him free. Even if I tell those boys, it wouldn't be any help but only add more worries for them. My head is so full."
"I blocked him several times but new numbers kept on showing up. Therefore, I want to get rid of him as soon as I can."

"I am sorry," Hyuna felt bad that Ji Yeon got involved in her problem.

"Why are you sorry? You are not Ji Hyun. The only person who should ask for forgiveness right now is that lunatic." Ji Yeon shrugged.

"Hyunjin won't let me meet him. Not in million years. So, let's go undercover." Hyuna said, heart was heavy.

"If we are really doing this, make sure not to leave a single evidence. Only after the cops get him, then it is okay for those boys to know." Ji Yeon shrugged again.

"Felix? You both only reconciled few days ago. I don't want to ruin your relationship." Hyuna said.

"Then you want to do everything alone?" Ji Yeon looked at her, sending death glare.
"You are not a thug Hyuna. Enough with ditching them boys, you need at least one of us girls."

"Bumm!" Someone entered the rooftop.

"You were here all this time?" Hyunjin walked closer to Hyuna.

"Hrmm," she nodded, having thoughts that Hyunjin heard their conversations.

"And Ji Yeon?" He narrowed his eyes.
"Why is it only two of you? What were you talking about?" Hyunjin jumped into conclusion.

"Nothing, we just dismissed the plan." Ji Yeon lied.

"Ji Yeon aa, you are lucky enough that I didn't say anything to Felix. Please don't do anything unpredictable. Heuuu." Hyunjin shook his head in disbelief.

"Felix has zero idea about this? Thank you." Ji Yeon was thankful that Felix was unconscious about her plan.

Or not, he would be throwing tantrums and all worried.

"I will go first." Ji Yeon excused herself and left the couple alone on the rooftop.

"Aren't you hungry? You skipped breakfast too." Hyunjin asked, looking at the lifeless looking Hyuna.

She was anxious from the time she opened her eyes that morning but Hyuna wanted to continue her plan. Knowing that Ji Hyun didn't only bother her but also Hyunjin, Hyuna really needed to put him behind the bars. She knew that Ji Hyun had been throwing harsh words to Hyunjin to lower his self esteem. Things such as his family issues and about Hyunjin leaving to Canada in a month. Furthermore, he even caused Hyunjin physically injured last time.

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