Closer? Or not?

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The next morning, you were ready and on time with your breakfast. Unfortunately everyone gave you the cold shoulders except from jimin.

V finishes his food and stands up walking towards you, you freeze in panic,
"I-is everything o-ok?" I stutter like usual as he whispers in my ear "you will regret not feeding my brothers when I clearly ordered you to, you're going down" he steps back and glares directly into my eyes. His gaze gave me chills, it ment business.

He walked away after giving me a note and told me to save it for later when everyone was gone. Jin is always the last one to leave and jungkook is the first one to come early, I got that around my head.

They all finish their breakfast and grab their belongings heading for the door as I bow with grace. Jimin comes up to me as everyone leaves " I will make sure they believe you so you can continue blooming that planted rose seed" he smiles.....ruffling my long untied hair.... and so he leaves.

I get flustered and happy, for the first time I was praised, I was so amazed that I ended up standing there with my mouth opened almost a minute. and then ...disturbed?That's because a certain someone called me out " are you done standing around *sigh" Jin speaks with a grumpy voice. "Eat your frikin' food" he gets even more grumpy.

I apologise rushing into the kitchen where the food was layed out for me "th-thank you" I dig in after I sit down.

As I gobble up the food like a pig....Jin talks to me,
" Jimin told me what actually happened, the fact you weren't lying. I'm sorry, to be honest we had other maids before you who would often lie just so they can be lazy and mess around. So that's why no one believed in you." He comes closer. "Here, it's an apology gift" he placed a beautiful golden hair pin with a pink rose on it. It was ligit sparkling! "W-wow I don't know what to say. Th-thank you" I get sooo damn shocked for being treated nicely,
"Don't get so cocky, this is the last time you here me" he sounds grumpy again, and just like that he leaves for work.

I place the pin on the right side of my hair "so pretty..." you get stunned.

As I finish my meal I remember v gave me a letter so I read it "lets see now? Hmmm.... meet me in my room which is next to suga's at night after dinner. It's an order! Bitch! Yep I'm down to earth again hearing the word bitch geez" I put down the letter on the table with frustration and sip on my creamy latte.

"I need to check who suga is first, who could it be? I don't know where their rooms are except Jin and jimin's. I wonder why he called me, not to mention he said I'll regret it, maybe I should tell jimin" I start bitting on my nails, scared and frustrated.

Later on as they come back from work and I come back being messy and muddy from the garden, they stare at me.....

"Pfffft!!!haha *cough cough" Jimin tries to hide his laughter, ....that was a normal reaction, I look ridiculous.
What really happened was that I decided to dig in the soil so I could put other flowers and plant's seeds, but the rain went crazy. Mud and shit was splattered all over me.

Anyways I did wear my gloves after washing my hands and gave them their food on time.

V looks at me, pointing to his room and smirks.
I thought it was scary so I already put a note in jimin's room telling him that he called me at night. It's on the desk so hopefully he could notice and read it.

As they were leaving after their meal I try tapping jimin not making it obvious since he was the last one to go.
" I wanted to know the members names, if u don't want to tell me it's fine" I ask him for the names. Jimin smiles back "you're not that type of person so why do you want to know?" He asked curiously.
"Well because I get confused and should know about them since I'm taking care of them." I answered quietly. He chuckles "fine, I will tell you the names and also ways to become closer to them in a friendly manner. But there is a catch, you need to be ready tonight cause I wanna take you somewhere nice." He smiles gently "but I-" I try to tell him about v but jimin ran of jumping upstairs, happy like an idiot.

I didn't know what to do, one was calling me on a date and the other one for murder.

Jimin entered his room passing through his desk without realising there was a note, and headed straight for the bathroom to have a shower.

Y/n thought jimin knew she was about to go to taehyung' s room so she was a little calm and so she knocked on his door. "I'm sure this was the room he pointed at, I could be wrong" you muttered.
V opens the door, "wow, you came.. come in" he invites you to come in ....and as you do he locks the door behind you.

To be continued...
Hopefully enjoyed and hopefully you will read more❤️❤️❤️❤️

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