Thats Probably Going To Leave A Mark

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Six months later we were all standing with Matt and Val as they said their vows. It was a beautiful night time ceremony. Valary looked stunning and seeing Matt in a tux was probably the highlight of the night.

I held Nick's hand and I watched them dance as husband and wife for the first time. I couldn't help but imagine my wedding day. I could see Nick standing there with a smile on his face as I walked toward him.

Every once in a while my eyes would wander to Demi. She had started to see someone recently and she wasn't exactly my favorite person. She was a porn star named Chloe Bridges and I couldn't stand her. I referred to her as "Cocaine Chloe" whenever Demi wasn't around. I don't think Demi really took her seriously anyway.

Once they had finished their first dance, the DJ invited everyone else onto the dance floor. Nick pulled me out of my seat and led me out to the dance floor. I rested my head on his shoulder as we danced slowly. He held me close and pressed an occasional kiss to my hairline.

"Mind if I steal her for a few?" Johnny asked politely.

"Not at all." Nick grinned as he took my hand and placed it in Johnny's.

Surprisingly, he was a very good dancer.

"Ballroom lessons." He explained. "My grandma insisted."

"I'm impressed." I said as he moved us around the dance floor.

"What's up with that chick?" He asked as he glanced at Chloe. "She's got lips like a fucking sucker fish."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Be nice."
I scolded.

"Lips like that are only good for one thing..."

"Johnny!" I said in disbelief as he spun me around and pulled me back closer to him.

"I don't like her Sel. She's shady." He said softly in my ear.

"Then tell Demi." I suggested.

"I did." He explained as he dipped me and brought me back up. "She blows me off."

"I guess it's her problem then. There's no way that's even a real relationship. She makes a living getting fucked on camera." I grumbled.

"You're telling me that you're ok with this?" He questioned, making eye contact.

"Why would it matter?" I sighed.

"You know exactly why." He said

"Johnny. Don't." I warned.

"Ok. Fine." He said giving in. "Since I love and respect you, I'm gonna drop it. But don't say I didn't warn you when something bad happens."

We finished dancing and he gave me a quick peck on lips before he walked me back to Nick and headed toward the bar. By the end of the night I figured he'd be completely drunk and wouldn't even remember the conversation. He was notorious for that. He'd drink until he passed out almost on a nightly basis.

As soon as she saw Johnny walk away she made her way toward me. She had a drink in her hand and a smirk on her lips. She looked like trouble with a capital T.

After Nick and I had reconciled I distanced myself from her a bit. We were still close, just not as close as before. I was careful not be overly affectionate and I did my best not to appear interested. She didn't seem fazed by it at first. I did notice that she had started drinking heavily again and that her moods were often quite unpredictable. I had no way of knowing if her recent changes had anything to do with me, or if they were jut part of the endless cycle of addiction. Because let's be real here, she was an addict.

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