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The compound was quiet. I moved through the building with ease, but it wouldn't take long for things to pick up as the morning went on. I stepped out onto the balcony overlooking the long driveway and rested my arms on the railing.

Tony had sold the Avenger Tower and moved everything to an old Stark warehouse that had been abandoned for years. It was settled on the river, with beautiful views of the water. There was much more room for training and several new, expansive labs for Selvig and Dr. Cho. We all even had our own rooms again.

It was a farewell gift from Tony; he was retiring from the Avengers. I was just glad he was putting himself first for once. He deserved some peace and normalcy. Hopefully, he wouldn't drive Pepper more crazy than usual.

Moments later, he strolled out onto the driveway with Steve and Thor. They seemed to be saying good-bye. Thor had hunted me down earlier to give me one of his bone crushing hugs before leaving for Asgard. He moved out onto the grass, so that he was far enough away. With a few last words, he swung his hammer fervently in circles, summoning the bifrost. The bright, colorful beam swallowed him and as fast as it had come, it was gone, leaving a giant scorch mark in the grass.

Tony and Steve walked lazily towards Tony's car, still chatting. Steve was already suited up for our first training session as a new team. There was no telling when we would see Thor again, Tony was leaving, Clint had retired, and Bruce was still MIA, but now we had Wanda, Sam, Rhodey, and Vision in our ranks. No matter who came and went there would always be the next mission.

I was about to turn away when the two suddenly bear hugged excitedly. I cocked a brow and tried to make out what they were saying, but they were too far. They had put everything behind them after Sokovia, but I hadn't realized how close they had gotten. With a shrug I finally turned away and went back inside.

Knowing where my new friend would be, I headed in that direction. Wanda's room was next to mine, and I knocked lightly on the door once I arrived.

"Come in," she softly called. I opened the door and stepped inside.

"You ready?" I asked glancing at her position on the bed. Her legs were crisscrossed, and a single picture frame sat in her lap. My heart sank for her, knowing it was the only picture of her and her brother that sat there. It had only been a week and a half since Pietro had died and she was trying to be strong in front of everyone, but I knew she had to be dying on the inside.

"I already know the answer to this... but are you alright?" I asked when she still hadn't looked up. Her head slowly rose, and she met my eyes with a haunted look.

"I still cannot believe that I will never see my brother again," she said morosely. Taking a deep breath, I sat down next to her.

"It will start to get easier. I won't give you some bullshit philosophy crap that time heals all wounds or that the loss itself gets easier, but you'll eventually be able to move forward, and the pain won't linger in the front of your mind anymore. You've already been through a lot in your life, and I know my family's business is part of the cause, which I am still so sorry for but you're strong, obviously. It seems crippling now and it's supposed to because it's still new and raw, and now there's a gaping hole in your heart. Just don't ignore the emotions as they come; the longer you bury them, the harder and longer it will take for you to move forward," I told her sincerely.

She sighed and managed a small smile, simply saying, "Thank you."

I nodded and glanced at the clock on the wall. I stood and went to the door. Wanda gently placed the frame on her dresser and followed behind me, her face now determined. The hangar was all the way across the compound, and we walked in silence for a few minutes.

"Have you tried to use your powers yet?" Wanda asked curiously, finally breaking the silence.

I grunted and replied, "No, I don't plan on it either."

"You're going to make it too easy to beat you in there," she joked lightly, little scarlet wisps flaring from her fingers. I chuckled and gave her a pointed look.

"I'll be sure to tell Steve to pair you with Vision then," I teased. There was a hint of a smile at that, but my smile fell as I turned away again. I hadn't used my abilities since that day in Sokovia. I regretted everything about them. Steve and Natasha had been trying vigorously to change my mind, but I wouldn't budge. I was still useful without them, and that's all that mattered.

Wanda flew over the rail as we entered the hangar, soaring towards where the group was gathering. I easily hopped over and landed on the floor with a small thud and quickly joined the others at the bottom of the stairs across the room. Steve and Nat entered at the top of the stairs and glanced at the lot of us. Steve's gaze landed on me and we exchanged wide smiles. No matter what happened at least we'd all have each other.


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