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"Hydra doesn't like leaks," Sitwell muttered from beside me. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. I focused on the outside of the window, watching the cars as we flew by them. We didn't really have a plan yet; we figured we'd head to the Triskelion and come up with one along the way.

"So, why don't you try sticking a cork in it," Sam suggested sweetly. This earned a small snicker from me, and Sitwell tossed me a dirty look, which I also ignored.

"Insight's launching in sixteen hours, we're cutting it a little bit close here," Natasha reminded the group.

"I know. We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the helicarriers directly," Steve told her, gesturing toward Sitwell.

"What?! Are you crazy? That is a terrible, terrible idea-" Sitwell began to admonish, but was suddenly cut off. There was a small thump on the roof and a metal hand smashed through the window next to Sitwell and he was snatched out of the car. He was thrown across the interstate and into oncoming traffic.

I flinched and Natasha tried to peer out the window, even though we both knew it was the Winter Soldier. He retreated to the top of the car, and Natasha sprang into action. She shoved me into the car door just as two bullets came through where we had just been. Then she jumped up front and moved Steve while using her foot to push Sam aside as two more bullets were shot at them.

Steve pulled the emergency brake, and the car came to a halt and the Winter Soldier was tossed off the roof and into the road, effortlessly rolling and using his arm to slow himself to a stop. Another car smashed into our rear and started pushing us toward him. He jumped onto the hood, smashing both windshields and ripping the steering wheel straight out of Sam's hands.

"Shit!" Sam yelled in dismay.

Natasha managed to pull out her pistol and tried shooting him, but he jumped onto the vehicle behind us. We began swerving wildly across the road. Thinking fast, I crawled up to the front as well, crowding onto Sam's lap.

"Hey, I gotta know you a little first before hitting any bases," Sam kidded, adjusting his position. The car hit the median wall, riding it dangerously. I started kicking the crap out of the driver side door. We were rammed again by the car, veering sharply towards the other side, and towards the cement wall overlooking the freeway below.

"You're a hoot," I responded wryly, still focusing on the door. It was jammed. After another forceful kick it caved slightly. One more hit and it would come off. The car hit the wall and spun into the air. Our side of the car wasn't going to face the ground first, so we'd have to time it just right.

"Hang on!" Steve barked at Natasha as he hit the door and they flew out.

"Grab the door," I ordered Sam while positioning myself to use the center console for momentum. Sam grabbed onto the door handle and as soon as the car turned to the right angle, I shoved into him and we flew out of the vehicle.

I latched onto him with one arm and simultaneously threw my hand up, creating a thick run of ice beneath us. This let us roll off the door and onto the ice, sliding so that we wouldn't get road burn. The car had flown over us and rolled to a stop several yards ahead of us. Sam and I quickly got to our feet.

Natasha and Steve were farther up the bridge and we jogged towards them. The car chasing us skidded to a halt and the Winter Soldier pulled out a grenade launcher, aiming it at Steve and Nat. Steve shoved her out of the way and threw his shield in front of him in anticipation. The grenade hit the shield and exploded, causing him to fly back, ricocheting off a car and over the side of the wall.

"Steve!" I shrieked, trying to move after him, but the Hydra agents wasted no time. They pulled out their weapons and started spraying in our direction. We all scattered behind different vehicles, avoiding the bullets. I pulled out my pistol and attempted to hit any of them; Natasha did the same.

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