Nathaniel: At this point I don't care I'll eat it as long as it is edible!"

Erza: "Agreed."

Lucy: "You two are seriously that hungry?!"

Happy: "You guys are going down our bellies right now!"

Happy: "Happy is going to eat all of you fish!"

Lucy: "Awww come on, you two can do it! Don't give up little guys!"

This only served to sadden Happy even more and caused him to run off.

Happy: "We can't help it if we're small!" 

A few minutes later, Team Natsu had only managed to catch a single flying fish.

Nathan: "You mean to tell me that we wasted all that time for a single fish?!"

Natsu then quickly cooked it with his fire.

Natsu: "Go ahead Happy, eat it."

Happy: "Are you sure? It wouldn't be fair for everyone else."

Gray: "It's too small to split up between all of us. Besides, if we took one bite we would only want more."

Makarov: "Hurry up and eat it before we change our minds!"

Happy: "Okay! Don't mind if we do! Aaaah."

Happy each took the Flying Fish and downed it in one bite. Natsu was about ready to jump on happy but Nathan, Gray and Makarov were holding him back while everyone was slowly regretting the fact that they let Happy have the only taste of food they would have in a while. Lucy simply stood there without a sign of emotion, and Erza turned away from the sight, likely to avoid throwing a sword at the cat.  Happy then finished eating and then sat there for a moment.

Happy: "GROSS!"

Lucy: "Are you kidding me?!"

Nathaniel: "We shouldn't have stayed to fish."

Natsu: "Yeah cause all of that fishing."

Makarov: "Just made us hungrier."

The group continued on their way, until walking up to a very large village.

Nathan: "Thank God!"

Erza: "A Village!"

Gray: "Houses!"

Happy: "And that means-"

Natsu and Nathan: "FOOD!"

Everyone immediately dashed into the village before making a realization and stopping at what appears to be the center of the it. 

Gray: "There's no one here..."

Natsu: "Maybe they're all just taking a nap?"


A moment of silence passed before Natsu and Gray started running towards one of the houses.

Natsu: "Feel free to hang around here. I'm gonna go find a kitchen to raid!"

Gray: "Shame on you for even thinking about robbing this place Natsu." 

Nathan was already at the door of the house they were entering. He opened the door for everyone to enter and were shocked at the sight they saw. It was a small table, with food on it, and there was nobody around to eat it all.

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