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This is basically just a way to make myself feel better, because I'm sad. Sorry this is really short! Hope you all enjoy! You're 16 in this.

You, Sam, and Dean are sitting in the center of the bunker when you get three text messages in a row. Huh. That's weird. No one ever texts you. You look down at your phone from the lore book you're reading and notice that your brothers are staring at you. The text is from a group chat you're in with your friends Abby and Lindsey.

Abby: Hey Lindsey! Let's go do something later!
Lindsey: Sure! Let's go to the movies and then you can spend the night with me!
Abby: That sounds great!! Be over soon!

They didn't invite you. It doesn't surprise you, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. You bite down on your tongue and turn your phone off. You look up at Sam and Dean and they're watching you closely.

"What's wrong Y/N?" Dean asks and you sigh. Here we go. You really don't want to talk about it.
"It's nothing, I don't really want to talk about it" You say softly and you walk away to your room.

You sit down on your bed after shutting the door and then it opens back up. Sam's head peaks out and you look at him.

"What's up sweetie? Something obviously upset you" Sam asks and walks in, then Dean follows.
"My friends, the ones you met that one time, left me out again. I'm just tired of feeling like the last choice you know? It really sucks" You say and they sit down with you.
"Aww sweetie, you're better off without them, don't let them get to you" Dean says and moves the hair out of your face.
"I know, it just bothers me still" You say and Sam nods.
"We know sweetie, but you're always our first choice" Sam says and you smile softly at him.
"Thanks Sammy, I know you guys will always be there for me, I just wish people my age would like me" You say and Sam pulls you into a hug.
"Teenagers suck, what can I say, but anyone who doesn't like you is missing out" Sam says and pulls away.
"Yeah Y/N, you're hilarious, caring, smart, and you're really fun to be around" Dean says and you find yourself smiling again.
"Thanks guys, I love you" You say and pull them into a group hug.
"We love you more" Dean says and pulls away first.
"Come on, let's go out to get pizza and then find something to do" Dean says.
"Can't we just order pizza and watch a movie on Netflix?" You asks and Dean smiles widely at you.
"And this is why you're my favorite sibling" Dean says and Sam rolls his eyes, smacking Dean in the head.

Dean orders the pizza and we go into the living room. You still feel left out. You know your brothers will always be there for you, but it still hurts.

"I know being a teenager and a hunter at the same time is hard, I'm sorry you have to go through this" Sam says and you look up at him.
"Yeah I know Sammy, I just think they don't like me and have been pretending to for years now" You say and Sam looks at you with a sad look on his face.
"It's their loss then, because you're great" Dean says and you sigh.
"I know Dean. I'll get over it, don't worry about me" You say and Dean sighs.

The pizza comes and you watch some marvel movies while you eat.

After you eat, you decide to call it a day and go back to your room go work on homework. While you're working on homework, your phone starts buzzing. That's weird.

Cas: Hey Y/N! What's up? I'll be home soon and I have a gift for you.
You: Hey Cas, just doing homework. Dean put you up to this huh? I'm okay Cas but can't wait to see you :)
Cas: What? No. I just wanted to see my family :)
You: Aww Cas, you're too sweet!

Gabe: Hey kiddo, heard you're not feeling well, hope all is well! Xxxx Gabriel
You: Thanks Gabe, I'm fine though. My brothers are just overreacting
Gabe: I figured lol

Jody: Hey girl! Come over soon! Love you
You: Love you too Jody! We'll come visit soon!

You message everyone back and finish your homework. When you finish, you walk out to the center of the bunker to see Dean, Cas, and Sam sitting around the table playing with something. Cas looks up at you and smiles.

"I got you Clue! You said that you wanted to play it, so I bought it" Cas says and you pull him into a hug.
"Aww thanks Cassie" You call him by his nickname and he blushes, giggling a little bit.
"Come on, let's play" Sam says and you nod. You sit down and you start playing the game.

You really have the best family in the world. If you feel unloved by the world, you know you'll always be loved by them.

Hey guys! Sorry this is so short. I just needed to vent and if there's any errors, I'll fix it later. I love you guys! Always keep fighting❤️

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