Dont lose your sparkle

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Imagine living with Sam while he was at college but you can't stop hunting.

Sam took you with him to college. He lost contact with Dean but you didn't. When Sam went to bed or he was out with Jess you would call Dean and talk about hunting.

Sam went to bed, you got out your phone, and you call Dean.

"Dean" You whisper shutting the door and walking outside.
"Hey Y/N" Dean says and you smile to yourself.
"I miss you Dean, I miss hunting, and I miss saving people" You say sitting down on a step.
"I know bug but you're better off with Sam" Dean and and you scoff.
"Dean being normal is driving me insane, Sam never talks to me he's always with Jess, he doesn't even look at me, and Dean I never leave the house!" You start whisper yelling.
"Wait Sam doesn't talk to you?" Dean asks and you sigh.
"Just forget it, you hear anything from dad yet?" You ask changing the subject.
"Yeah, but nice try changing the subject" Dean says and you roll your eyes even though he can't see you.
"Yeah Sam and Jess, Jess acts like she hates me, I have to train when their not home, and oh did I tell you that Sam forgot my birthday yesterday, thanks for singing to me last night by the way" You mumble and you hear a smash coming from Dean's end of the phone.
"Dean are you ok?" You ask and the phone is cut off.
"Dean?!" You whisper shout but you still hear nothing so you hang up.

You run back up the stairs and enter the apartment. You started thinking of things to help you find Dean.

"Tell Sam, no" You thought. Then the idea came to you. Run away. Track Deans cell and find him. Sam won't notice you're gone. Your chance to get away from normal.

You started packing up clothes, your laptop, your phone, money, and weapons. You kept your gun in the waistband of your pants though.

By the time you were done packing it was 3am. You go to the kitchen and start writing a little note.

I'll be back in a couple of days. Don't worry I'm safe. Went on a camping trip with Y/F/N.
I love you Sammy.
           Love, Y/N Winchester

You decide that it was short and simple but it would do and you walk out the door.

You didn't know where to start. Walk for a while and find a motel then track Dean's cell. That would be your best option.

You run about 2 miles and find the nearest motel. You walk into the front room and the man at the desk looks up at you in shock.

"It's 3am, why would you need a room?" The man asks and you put 200 dollars down.
"I just need one for tonight" You say keeping you voice low and stern.
"Ok then, name?" The man asks.
"Y/N Osborne" You say using the fake name you always use.
"Ok you're in room 14" The man takes the money and hands you the room key.

You take the key and walk off to your room. Once you got into your room you salt the Windows and doors. Can't be too safe right? After that was done you started tracking Dean's phone.

"Come on!" You mumble to yourself once you see the tracking is turned off.
Well you could call and have it turned on.
You dialed the phone companies number.
"Hello, this is Angie how may I help you?" The lady asks when it picks up.
"Yes I'm wondering if you could turn on my brothers phone tracker, he went out to a party and he's not home yet" You say fake crying.
"Ok tell me the phone number" Angie says and you give her Dean's phone number.
"Ok it's on" Angie says and you hang up the phone.

You finally track where Dean is.

"Finally" You whisper and sigh of relief.

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