Meeting Sam for the first time

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Imagine living with Dean and meeting Sam for the first time.

You've been with Dean and Dad your whole life. You're just starting to hunt which Dean and dad don't know about. You don't remember Sam because he went away to college when you was like 5 but Dean says you look like him.

You're trying to figure out where dad is when Dean comes into the room and sits down on your bed.

"Hey bug, wanna help me go get Sam?" Dean asks and gives a small smile.
"Dean we haven't talked to Sam in forever why would we go get him now?" You ask and Dean shrugs.
"Well he could help he's really good at researching stuff...not that you aren't good at researching" Dean quickly says and you roll your eyes.
"Yeah ok I'll go but we're not making him come with us Dean, he got out of this life for a reason" You sigh and get up and pack, then you head to the impala were Dean was already in the drivers seat waiting for you. You finally get in and he drives off.

It was quiet in the car until Dean speaks up.

"Hey, you nervous to see Sam?" Dean asks out of the blue and you shrug but answer anyway.
"A little, I mean you have been there for me and I've basically never met the guy" You sigh and Dean nods.
"Just get some sleep I'll wake you up when we're there" Dean says and you nod and surprisingly drift off to sleep.

At Sam's house-/

You wake up to see Dean not in the car anymore and you also hear yelling that sounds like Dean. You immediately go into Hunter mode. You grab your knife and get out of the car. You slowly open the door keeping the knife close to you and you follow Dean's voice into the kitchen.

You see Dean and Sam, they're yelling about dad and whatever they can so you stop them by slamming your knife into the table.

Dean and Sam stop fighting and look at you and you roll your eyes and you walk over to Dean.

"Your the biggest liar you know that right" You smirk at him.
"What did I lie about?" Dean asks confused and you roll your eyes.
"I'll wake you up when we get there" You said mocking Deans voice and Sam starts laughing and you turn your attention back to him.
"Well hello there Sam, my name is Y/N remember me" You say sarcastically and bring your hand up for Sam to shake it.
"Y/N shut up, you're not funny....why did you bring her Dean?" Sam shot back and you glare at Sam.
"Dean he doesn't want to come just leave him be" You say and walk towards the door when Dean stops you.

"What Dean" You say coldly.
"Wait in the car I'll be out soon" Dean says and you roll your eyes.
"Where do you think I was going" You shot back. You pry your knife out of the table and walk out.

You go to the impala and sit on the hood and look up at the stars.

Deans pov/
"Sam...really? Wow your good at family reunions" I say and Sam sighs.
"Dean I'll go but only for dad. I need to be back by Monday I have a job interview" Sam says and I look at him.
"Skip it" I say and Sam scoffs.
"It's for a law school Dean and it's basically my whole future" Sam says and I shrug.

Me and Sam walk out of the door and go to the car to see Y/N sitting on the hood looking up at the stars and smiling.

Y/Ns pov/-/
You just found the Big Dipper when the boys come out of the house. You hear them walking up to you but you don't look at them.

"Hey lets go" Dean says getting your attention and you look over at him.
"Sam coming with us?" You ask looking over to Sam and you notice that you do kind of look alike.
"Yeah I'm coming but I have to be back by Monday" Sam says and you nod.
"Well welcome back Sam for a little bit anyway" You sigh and get off of the hood and into the back seat of the impala.
Sam and Dean gets in and we start driving.

Your pretty much lost in thought about Sam and our family that you didn't notice Dean was talking to you.

"Y/N!" Dean yells from the front seat and you snap out of your thoughts and lean towards the front seat.
"What Dean?" You ask looking at him.
"Are you ok?" Dean asks and he flashes you a worried look.
"Yes Dean I'm fine. Just thinking about where dad could be" You mumble and Dean doesn't buy it because he flashes you another look and sighs.
"Ok we'll talk about it later at the motel" Dean says and you roll your eyes. You lean back and look out of the window the rest of the way.

At the motel--/

You, Sam, and Dean get into the room and you say that you'll sleep on the floor. You sit your bag down on the table and Sam says he's going to go get some food supplies and he takes the keys to the car and leaves.

You knew as soon as Sam shut the door Dean would come over to the bed and ask you what was wrong...and that's exactly what he done.

"Y/N come here and talk to me" Dean says his voice growing soft and you sigh but you sit down on the bed anyway.
"Why are you being so quiet?" Dean asks and you shrug.
"I don't know...honestly I was just thinking.....Dean! You know how dad was on that hunt in Jericho and the lady on the phone said she could never go home....I'm thinking its a lady in white because I've been reading up on Jericho and missing people and it clicks" You realize and Dean gives you a wide smile and a proud look which makes you smile.
"Your right Y/N good job we'll head out there tomorrow" Dean says and you grow quiet again.
"Dose Sam hate me?" You ask out of the blue and you look down at your hands.
"Of course not Y/N he's your brother" Dean says making you look at him.
"Your over thinking things Y/N" Dean says.
"Dean have you met me! That's basically how I think!" You say raising your voice.
"I'm going for a walk. I have my phone and my gun I'll be fine." You say. You grab your gun, your phone, some throwing knives, and you just walked out. Of course Dean was yelling at you to come back but you didn't.

You started walking and you found a tree off to the side of the motel and you started throwing your knifes at it. What it calms you down and helps you think. You threw another knife but when a car honks its horn you jump and it doesn't even hit the tree and you turn around to see Sam in the car.

"Hey Sam" You say then turn back around to the tree and go get your knife but you couldn't find it so you walked back to the tree and got your knifes out of it and walked towards the car.
"Y/N what are you doing out here?" Sam asks and you shrug.
"I yelled at Dean and I needed to cool off" You shrug and get into the car because you didn't feel like walking.
"You know how dangerous that is Y/N, you could get killed out here" Sam says and you scoff.
"Sam I hunt to ya know, I'm perfectly fine on my own" You say and he drives to the motel room and you get out of the car.

You open the motel room door and you see Dean giving you a look but you just grab a pillow and a blanket and put it on the floor.

"Dean you let her hunt?" Sam asks Dean now in the room and sitting on his bed.
"Well I tell her not to but it doesn't do anything so yeah" Dean rubs his forehead.
"I'm going to sleep try not to talk about me some more when I'm asleep....I'd love to hear what you have to say" You say sarcastically and lay down in the floor and go to sleep.

You're not very good at first impressions.

Hey guys I'm thinking of doing a part 2 to this but only if you want it. Comment if you want a part 2 to this imagine! Bye!💙

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