Bad Day

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Imagine things just weren't going your way today and Sam and Dean are there to help. Gabriel is in this imagine because he's fun ok.

You woke up this morning with a headache. Your brothers were beating on something in the kitchen. Yeah that didn't help either. You decide to get up and tell them to knock it off.

When you got to the kitchen you see Dean pounding a nail into the wall and Sam was trying to fix the refrigerator.

"Stop!" You yell and Dean jumps and Sam sits there and stares at you.
"I have a headache ok, Sam do you have any Tylenol?" You ask and Sam walks over to a cabinet and pulls out a bottle. He walks back over to you and hands you the bottle, you take the bottle, get a cup of coffee, and take one.

"Sorry Y/N, we didn't know" Dean says and puts the hammer down.
"It's ok Dean" You yawn and rest your head on the table.

You sigh then get back up and walk off to your room to take a shower.

When you got in the shower you turn on the water and it comes out cold. Great cold showers. Once you got finished you just throw on black skinny jeans and a red flannel.

You came out of your room and started walking around in the bunker until you tripped on an old box and twist your ankle.

"Son of a b-" you mumble cutting off the last part by wincing in pain. You slide down the wall and sit on the floor looking at your ankle.

"Sam!" You yell and you hear Sam coming towards you grumbling about something.
"What Y/N?" Sam asks getting closer.
"Can you get me something for my foot" You say through gritted teeth.
"What did you do?" Sam scoffs and you send him a glare.
"I tripped on this stupid box here" You say pushing the box away.
"Oh ok yeah I'll be right back" Sam laughs and walks off.

You sit there for a while maybe fifteen minutes and you hear the bunker door shut.

Did they seriously just leave me here!

"Sam!" You yell.
"Dean!" You yell but no one answers but your own echo.

"Morons, idjits, jerks, and every offensive name in the books" You grumble and you hear a flutter of wings so you look up. You were surprised to see Gabriel.

"Gabe?" You question and he crouches down to you.
"Hello beautiful, it's me, so want me to fix your foot?" Gabriel asks and you nod slowly.

With the snap of Gabriel's finger your foot was in even more pain. You scream out in pain and tears start brimming your eyes.

"Oh my gosh Y/N I'm so sorry!" Gabriel says and fixes your foot this time.
"Yeah Gabe it's fine" you say through gritted teeth and get up.
"Well um...ok yeah I'll just go now" Gabriel clears his throat and disappears.

Seriously! Can this day get any worse...wait it can and it probably will.

You walk up to the kitchen and you see that the dishes are literally piled up to the ceiling. You sigh and you hear the bunker door open and close.

You decide to start doing the dishes. When you turn the water on, the sink breaks and it sprays all over you.

You can't take anymore of today so you slide down the wall and you put your head in your hands and just let the tears fall.

"Y/N?!" Dean yells running into the kitchen and sees the sink and turns the water of. 

He walks over to your now shaking body and picks you up bridal style and you hide in his chest.

"Dean what happened to her?" You hear Sam ask and Dean shrugs.

You hear a door close and you are put into a bed.

You open your eyes to see you're in Dean's bed and he sits down on the bed to.

"Wanna talk about it?" Dean asks and you look over to him, you scoot closer and you wrap your arms around him and sigh.

"Dean today has literally been torture....that reminds me" you say and you remind yourself about lashing out at Sam. You get up and walk out of the room and go find Sam.

When you find him he turns around to see you walking closer to him until you were at his chest.

"Are you freaking kidding me!" You you yell and point your finger at him. Sam looks confused and scared at the same time
"What?!" Sam says and backs up.
"You...left me Sam! Gabriel had to freaking come down here and fix my foot only to make it worse. The shower was cold! My head hurts! I broke the freaking sink! I almost broke my foot! Sam today really sucks!" You ramble on and you go to your room only to be followed by your brothers.

You fall into your bed and you slip under the covers and you cover your face.

"Hey Y/N, wanna tell me and Dean what you said a little bit slower?" Sam asks and you shake your head no through the covers.

"Ok then if your fine we'll just leave then" Sam says and you hear your door shut. You slowly take the covers off of your head and you start mumbling about how today sucks.

You didn't notice Sam and Dean still in the room but when you did you shoot them a glare.

"Now you want to talk about it" Dean smirks and you scoff.
"Well sit down then" You say and they listen. You had one brother on each side of you.

"Today is like the worst day ever" You say putting your head on Sam's shoulder and he starts playing with your hair so you close your eyes.
"This morning I woke up with a headache, the hot water was out, I almost broke my foot, Sam freaking left me, Gabe broke my foot, I broke the sink, and now I'm sitting here with you idiots" You sigh and feel Sam laugh.
"Wait you left her?" Dean asks and you open your eyes to look at him.
"Um uh yeah. I thought she just fell I didn't think she needed medical treatment for it" Sam defends and makes it worse.
"Why would you do that!" Dean yells and you sigh.
"Can you yell at him tomorrow when I don't have a headache?" You ask and Dean chuckles.
"Ok I'll fix the sink, Sam you fix the water, you go to sleep you've had a rough day" Dean sighs and you hug him.
"Thanks Dean...and Sam" You let go of Dean and hug Sam.

The brothers left your room and you put on one of Sam's shirt that you stole and a pair of Dean's boxers. What they're comfortable. Don't judge.

You got back into bed and you fell asleep hoping someone wouldn't wake you up and no one did. woke up the next day to Asia's song Heat Of The Moment. On a Tuesday.

"GABRIEL!" You scream. Great just great.

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