The Empty

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DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED SEASON 14! Major spoilers are in this chapter so read at your own risk!!

Everything was going to hell once again. Dean has Michael in a mind cage, Jack is losing his strength again, Cas is acting strange, and Sam and you are struggling to keep up with everything.

You and Sam were looking for a way to get Dean out of this situation without putting him in a coffin, headed straight for the ocean. You hated that Dean even considered doing that.

You're lost in thought when Sam looks up at you and sighs, bringing you out of your daze. It's about 3am.

"Go get some sleep, I'll keep researching" Sam says tiredly and you roll your eyes.
"I'll sleep when you sleep. This is more important than sleep" You say and turn the page on some archangel book you were reading.
"You're right, but if Dean wakes up for his nightly snack, he's going to be mad that you're up" Sam says and you shrug. He huffs then goes back to his research. You make notes on little things you think would help.

Around 6am, Sam falls asleep and you debate on whether you should sleep or not. You decide against it and keep going. While going to get more books, you bump into the bookshelf and knock some books off of it, one hitting you on the head in the process.

"Ow shit" You hiss and rub your head where the book hit it. Maybe you should have slept?
"Y/N what the hell are you doing?" Dean's sleepy voice comes from behind you and you turn around to see him with his pistol in his hand.
"Getting more books" You say quietly and Dean nods slightly.
"Sorry I woke you up, didn't mean to bump into the shelf" You say and chuckle.
"Sam is knocked out at the table, why are you still up?" Dean asks and you bite your lip.
"I couldn't sleep, just have a lot of things on my mind" You say and Dean sighs.
"Come on, that's good for tonight kiddo" Dean insists and walks you out of the library. Your legs feel like they have bricks tied to them. You're struggling to keep your eyes open.
"Have you noticed Cas is acting strange?" You ask and Dean looks up at you. You're always thinking about your family.
"No, why? Is he?" Dean asks and you shrug.
"He's just acting a little too cautious and jumpy lately" You say and Dean sighs.
"I'll ask him about it later, now go to sleep" Dean says and pushes you slightly into your room.
"Dean I'm not tired, I can't sleep" You say and Dean points to your room.
"Don't make me get Sam up" Dean says and you sigh.
"Fine, night, love you" You say and Dean smiles slightly.
"Night, love you too bug" Dean says and you walk into your room and collapse into your bed. Your mind finally shuts off and you finally fall asleep.

You have a dream of Cas being taken away, by something, you couldn't see what it was. Cas didn't look like he was struggling though, he wasn't fighting the thing back.

You wake up and look at the time. 5:00pm. You sigh and get out of bed and go to the center of the bunker where you find Sam researching and Jack lazily typing on the computer.

"How ya feeling Jack?" You ask and rub his shoulder some before you sit down next to him. Jack is like your brother now.
"I'm okay, just a little dizzy still" Jack says and you nod.
"What time did you go to bed last night? You look awful" Jack says and Sam chuckles.
"Thanks Jack, and I went to bed around 6 or 7, I don't really remember" You say and your dream pops back into your mind. The thing was a person that was taking Cas away, but it wasn't human. It wasn't anything.
"Y/N?" Sam asks and you look up at him.
"What?" You ask and open up a lore book.
"I asked you if you found anything last night" Sam says and you nod.
"Not a thing" You sigh and start hitting your head off of the book lightly.
"Hey hey, stop" Sam says seriously and Dean and Cas come into the bunker. They were out on a food run.
"Y/N why are you up? You should be in bed" Cas says and you shrug.
"Sleep hates me, and there's things to be done around here" You say and Cas and Dean share a knowing look. You scribble some more notes down but you can't get your dream out of your head.
"Cas I need to talk to you. Now" You say and look up at him. Cas looks at Dean then nods.
"Of course, what about?" Cas asks and you stand up.
"I need to talk to you alone" You say and Cas follows you into the kitchen.
"Is something wrong?" Cas asks and you get a water out of the fridge.
"Is there Cas? Is there something that's going on that you're not telling us about? Ever since you and Jack got back from heaven, you've been...different" You say and Cas sighs.
"Is that what this is about? Y/N I'm fine, just a little tired. I promise" Cas says and you know he's lying. Angels don't sleep.
"What did you do? Why can't you tell me Cas? I thought you trusted me?" You ask and Cas sighs. 
"You know I do. There is nothing to tell you" Cas says and you roll your eyes.
"Cas please!" You beg and you feel tears form in your eyes.
"We might lose Dean. Please don't make us lose you too" You say and turn to walk out of the kitchen.
"I know somethings going on, so when you decide to tell me what, you know where to find me" You say and walk back out to the center of the bunker. Everyone looks at you and you rub your runny nose and eyes before going back to research. You can feel everyone's eyes on you but you keep your head down. Your phone starts to ring and it's an unknown caller. You answer it anyway and walk off to your room.

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