Cheeseburger Backpack

Start from the beginning

"Don't ask." Quasar said.

"Well then let's go, we only have until midnight before the spire falls back into the ocean." Pearl exclaimed.

"Just a second, I'm washing all the monster stomach stuff off me." Will said.

"You know that stuff kinda looks like..." Amythest was interrupted by Pearl.

"Amythest you finish that sentence I will tie you upside down in your room! And I swear if you say something crude I will never make you any pancakes ever again." Pearl yelled.

"What was she going to say?" Steven asked.

"Something. I wish I didn't learn." Pearl said.

"Let's go." Garnet said from the warp pad.

Steven ran toward the warp pad before he was stopped by Quasar. "Aren't you forgetting something." He said to Steven. Who looked back and saw the statue sitting on the table.

"Whoops, don't want to forget that." He said as he out it in his backpack and joined the others on the warp pad.

The light tunnel appeared around them as they started through the warp. They Landers few seconds later in a very big hole? in the ocean. The warp pad was in a dark room that looked like a place out of ancient Greece. Damage included.

"This place is in worse shape than I thought." Pearl said

"Well then let's get to work." Will said.

Steven ran ahead of them up the stairs to the next platform. He stopped as the rest of the gems caught up to him. "I'm guys what are those things." He asked.

In front of them were dozens of little white work like creatures.

"Cool." Amythest said.

"No not cool, those are Crystal shrimp. Able to shared a gem apart if they get you." Pearl said.

"Well then." Will said as he cocked his rifle.

"Wait I got an idea." Steven said before he could start shooting. He quickly pulled out a sandwich and threw it away from them. The shrimp started toward the sandwich, letting the gems walk through.

"That actually worked." Quasar said in disbelief.

"Never underestimate nonviolent solutions." Garnet said as she walked past him.

"Where's the fun in that." He said as he walked past the shrimp.

They walked up another flight of stairs to see the path was blocked by a flow of water.

"Come on Steven, what yah got." Amythest asked.

"Let me see." Steven said as he reached in it.

Amythest started changing 'cheeseburger backpack' will and Garnet started joining in and they even got Quasar and Pearl to Join in.

"A raft!" Steven shouted.

He blew it up and later it in the river. But it was immediately blown away.

"Well you can't win em all " Quasar said.

"Yeah Steven we can try something else." Amythest said.

"I got an idea." Will replied, getting looks from the rest of them.

"Famous last words dude." Amythest said.

"Yeah yeah. Just hold on to me." He said.
They went up and held on to him. Garnet wrapped around his waist, Amythest and Steven into his legs, and Pearl into his cybernetic arm.

"Now whaaa!." Pearl never finished as will started running toward the edge of the spire. They yelled at him to stop, but he kept going.

They were going to let go but Garnet stopped them. "Hang on." Was all she said.

Right before they were off the ledge Will summoned fire into his right hand. Swinging his arm, causing the fire to extend almost like a ship and wrap around the pillar.

He jumped off the ledge and summoned jets of flames at his feet.

"Watch out." He yelled to Steven and Amythest.

The flame whip with inertia, as well as the flame jets on his feet made them swing around the side of the spire.

"YEE HAW." He screamed as he swung.

Pearl was screaming, Amythest and Garnet were grinning, and Steven looked amazed.

Quasar was yelling from Stevens hand. "You crazy bastard!" He yelled toward the Spartan.

They flew into an area with no walls in the way. Crashing into the wall.

Everyone got up from their crash.

"Well it worked." Amythest said.

"Wait where's Will?" Steven asked.

They heard a little coming from the wall. Where the Spartan was stuck in it in a very cartoon like way.

"Garnet can you pull out George of the jungle over there." Quasar chuckled.

Garnet went and pulled him out of the wall. Thankfully his shields took most of the damage. With a few scrapes on his armor.

"Come on let's get going, were going to run out of time." Pearl said.

The gems walked up the last few stairs or in Wills case limped.

They reached the top of the stairs to see a pedestal in the middle of the platform.

"Ah there it is. Ok Steven you just need to." She was cut off again as the tower starts breaking apart.

"Steven quick you need to put the statue back now." Garnet yelled.

Steven quickly opened his backpack and grabbed the statue. He quickly ran toward the pedestal but the ground started to break apart underneath him.

Steven began to fall down into the tower but Will ran forward and caught him. He then threw Steven toward the pedestal as he fell down the floor.

It was like I. Slow motion as Steven neared the pedestal in the air. Extending out his arm with the statue in his hand. But he missed and the statue didn't make it in as he aimed.

"No!" Garnet ran forward to save him but an arm appeared over the pedestal. Steven pulled himself up and slammed it down into the slot.

There was a bright glow as the statue was slowing the destruction.

All the rubble and pieces of the spire started to float back to their original spot.

The pieces of the floor, walls, and statues slowly put themselves back together.

The colors appearing more vibrant then they were before.

Will appeared over the side of the spire. Hovering in the air like ironman using jets of flames. He landed on the roof of the spire. A few more scratches in the titanium plates. But other than that he looked fine.

"Well look who decided to show up." Amythest said sarcastically.

"Let's not do that again." He said as he walked from them.

"Well we won't have to since Steven passed the test and inserted the statue." Pearl stated.

"Wait this was a test?" Steven asked.

"And you passed with I'd say... 72.43 percent." Quasar said.

"And you saved the lunar sea spire." Pearl stated.

"Good job Steven." Garnet said to him.

And with that they went home down the newly repaired stairs down to the warp pad.

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