
Start from the beginning

"You did, and you should stop lying about it. Lying rots your teeth."

"So does eating too much candy."

"So you did take it!"

"Jason did."


"Woah, enough shouting, you two. Move away from each other, Victoire, stop clenching your fists," Livia demanded, pushing the two quarrelling siblings apart. "You two are both very, very extra."

"This is why I want you to be my sister."

"Your mom did offer to adopt me..."

"I don't think she meant adopting," James sniped. Livia raised her eyebrow, whipping her head around to face him.


James rolled his eyes, and it finally dawned upon Livia. "Oh. Yeah, not happening. Nopity nope nope."


"I'm confused," Victoire frowned, burrowing her eyebrows. The two older teenagers stared at her for a moment before Livia waved her hand.

"Don't question it, midget."

"I am not a midget."

"You're half my size," James pointed out.

"No I'm not!"

"Victoire, darling, just admit it, you're tiny, you're adorably a dwarf. Embrace it. We all love you for it."

"I hate both of you so much."

"I thought you said I was a better older sister!"

"Compared to this guy?" She chirped, jabbing her thumb at James. "That's not something to be proud of. It's an insanely low bar."

"Why are you my sister again?" James asked, narrowing his eyes. "You are so rude. Nothing like any of us. Ill-mannered, no brains and incredibly impolite."

"Why are you describing yourself?"

"Get out of my room."

"And I'm the rude one?" Victoire riposted, crossing her arms with a frown. "You're such a hypocrite, you know?"

"You don't even know what that means..."

"She's a smart girl, she knows," Livia interjected. Victoire grinned proudly, and Livia resisted the urge to comb her hand through the girl's soft blonde hair. The McHill sibling dynamic seemed more insane every second that passes, and she wasn't sure if that was necessarily a good thing.

"Haha, very funny, don't overestimate my sister's intelligence just because she can think of some good insults."

"Oh, so you think my insults are good?" Victoire questioned, tilting her head, a diabolical smile spreading on her pale face.

James groaned. "Forget I said anything."

"No, I don't think I will," Toire giggled. "You said it, not me. Thanks for admitting you find me savage!"

Who uses the word savage anymore? James must have been thinking the same thing, for his expression clouded for a split second. "You edgy little child."

"You boring old man."

"Toddlers," Livia hissed with a shake of her head. "Both of you. Immature and stupid. Get with the times, Victoire, no one says 'savage' anymore except you. As for you, James... that was rich, coming from you of all people."

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