{Special} At the mall with Tokoyami

Start from the beginning

"But I wanted to spend time with you!" Was his only reply as he grew a bit in size and hugged Shiyoko close to him.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Katsuki finally spoke up. "Oi you fucking shit, what the fuck are you doing kidnapping my sister?" Katsuki glared at Tokoyami who calmly pointed at his cowering shadow, that still held onto Shiyoko.

"I apologize Bakugou, it seemed like dark Shadow had spotted Shiyoko behind me and grabbed her without either of us knowing... until she crashed into me. Dark shadow, apologize." The boy of darkness glared at his quirk "Also, you're not supposed to be out in public, you'll get us in trouble. Go back." Tokoyami sighed arms folded.

"I will not apologize! He always gets to hang out with Shiyoko-chan! I want a turn too! And I know you won't mind getting to play with her also!!" Dark shadow stated sounding as if he was pouting. Shiyoko giggled.

"She's his sister..."


"Hey Bakuchiku, you were planning to do something right? How about we let Tokoyami-kun join us? If you want to." She suggested looking back to the boy of darkness.

"I don't mind..." he shrugged.

"Tch. Whatever. I was just going to the arcade." Tokoyami nodded.

"Where I was heading it was around the arcade area." Tokoyami nodded.

So the three began walking to the arcade. Shiyoko sat on Katsuki's shoulders while Talking to Tokoyami and trying to figure out what he liked. So far all she got was he had a serious liking to dark things. Whether it be clothes, shoes, decorations. Anything.

He even offered to bring her to the dark side one day stating that with her eyes and hair she'll look great in dark clothes. Katsuki rolled his eyes but he himself didn't disagree. When they made it to the arcade Katsuki set Shiyoko down then quickly grabbed ahold of Tokoyami.

"I don't trust you to be with Aoimoku one bit, but I trust her. Even so, she's only five, so you better fucking watch her bird brain or I swear you'll never be able to use your fucking quirk again!" Tokoyami nodded and Katsuki pushed him away before he turned to face Shiyoko "And you! Don't do anything fucking stupid! Do you have what the old man gave you?" She nodded "Good. Keep it on you, you know what to do if anything happens."

"Hai. I know."

"You have three hours with her. No more. Bring her back here after or I will fucking destroy you." With that Katsuki spun on his heels and entered the arcade, going to buy some tokens.

Shiyoko and Tokoyami walked away from the arcade and every two seconds Tokoyami glanced down at Shiyoko. It was like he wanted to ask a question. He opened his mouth to speak but Shiyoko beat him to it.

"Sorry Tokoyami-kun, about Bakuchiku... after the last time he's kinda protective over me." She smiled

"Kinda?" Tokoyami glanced down raising an eyebrow at her. Shiyoko giggled shrugging innocently "Has he always been...like that?"

"Hmhm. Always. When I first came, he hated the thought of having to spend time with me and just being around me entirely, but still he was the one home most times so he was stuck with me. We got close, had a fight, bad things happened but after that he started treating me like his sister. Took months, almost an entire year for us to be where we are now." She smiled and Tokoyami squinted at the brightness but this one, he didn't mind.

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