"But all these guns I saw you summon."

"I just store them in my gem until I need them Steven. But they aren't gem related."

"Then how do you use your powers."

Will walked through the door and was going to look under the porch. "Well when I first activated them it was involuntary. Like when I got really angry or when I desperately needed a boost my body is engulfed in green flames. I get stronger and I'm able to control them. But the hard part wasn't controlling them, it was trying to get them to come out on demand. It took a lot of training to get it to work."

"Do you think of something when you try to summon your fire. Because I asked the other gems a while ago and their answers were..."

"Weird, unhelpful." Quasar said

"Yes." Steven said.

"Well I channel my inner emotion, my inner fire. And let it spread over me like this." He closed his eyes and green flames sprouted from his body.

"I'll try."

Steven closed his eyes and tried to channel his inner fire. It didn't go very well.

"Nothing happened."

Will walked over to him and put his hand on Stevens shoulder. "Bud sometimes it takes a long time to figure out how to work something. But that doesn't mean to give up."

"Did your robotic arm play into it."

Will looked at his left arm, which was entirely prosthetic from the shoulder on down.

"If anything it feels like my gem feeds into it. Like it connects to my gem. But then again it already does connect to my spinel cord." He chuckled.

"How did it happen." Steven asked curiously.

"Well I was born without an entire left arm. It might have something with mom's left arm being missing in the photo of her. But when I was little dad got me a prosthetic one. It was basic and only connected to the nerves through the skin so it was a little out of sync. But later I life I want through a procedure to get a better one."

"What was it like."

"How did trying to help you with summoning your weapon turn into a story of my last."

Steven shrugged his shoulders and smiled sheepily. "Because I was curious?"

"Well they drilled into the bone on my left shoulder and connected a titanium plate to it. Then for better motion control the wires feed directly to my brain through my upper spine. And from there the cybernetic muscles are connected where my natural ones leave off. But for some reason my gem connected to it and powers it. Which meant I didn't need a power source."

Steven ran up to him and hugged him. "That sounds extremely painful."

"Well it can lift up to 4 tons by itself and is made of reinforced Titanium."

"Wait where did you even get it. I didn't know humanity had the technology to make that kind of stuff. And why does it need to be robust."

"Well I designedandmade it myself. And walked the doctors through how to install it without damaging me. As for the strength, well let's just say it was needed."

"Oh. Well should we start looking for..." Steven was interrupted by a loud crash as the Centibeetle slammed through the door to the beach house. With Amythest being pulled behind it by her whip.

"Found it!"

Will materialized his armor and ran off after Amythest down the beach.

Steven tried to chase after them. But somehow will was somehow super fast, even with his armor.

"Watch out little dude."

Steven jumped to the side just in time. Because  centibeetle almost plowed straight into him.

Amythest planted her feet into the ground, slowing the beetle down. Will then activated his flames and punched the beetle with a fiery fist. Amythest's whip snapped and the beetle went flying down the beach.

"Nice hit." Amythest said.

"Watch out." Quasar shouted.

Will looked back to see a massive glob of acid heading towards them. He entered Spartan time and tried to get In front of Steven and Amythest. But Steven beat him to it.

Steven jumped up into the air. His gem started to glow as a light appeared in his right arm.

He watchedin slow motion as a shield appeared on Steven's arm. He raised it as the acid hit. It splattered across the shield. But everyone was safe for the most part.

As soon as Steven lowered his shield Will materialized his shotgun. He ran forward and in the blink of an eye was in it's face. He raised the gun and fired a shot to it's neck. Poofing it instantly.

"Nice job Steven. You summoned your gem weapon." Amythest hugged him, causing his shield to dematerialize.

Will put the gem In a dark green bubble before tapping it, making it dissapear. He walked over to Steven and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Nice job summoning your weapon."

Pearl and Garnet chose that moment to come running down the beach toward them.

"We heard a shot, did you find the beetle." Garnet asked.

"Amythest found it in the temple, it ran out and we have chase, Will then punched it down the beach, it shot a glob of acid and Steven blocked it with a shield he summoned. Then I shot it and bubbled it."

"Steven summoned his weapon?" Garnet asked.

"And it was a shield. Was it like roses." Pearl asked.

"It was found, with a white edge and Vine like details with a rose in the center." Steven said.

"You have your mother's shield Steven." Will said.


"Can you try to summon it again?" Quasar asked.

"I can try." He concentrated on trying to summon it. But nothing happened.

"You'll just have to work at it." Pearl said.

"Yeah..yeah your right."  Steven said with a goofy smile on his face.

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