"He~ so you knew? As expected from a 'white' Shirokawa," he hummed in amusement.

"Why haven't you killed me yet?" She asked in teasing manor.

"Because you know about something that I wanted," he answered, still with his smirk.

"Really? Are you sure it's not because of my appearance?" She eyed the white haired woman that is now besides the demon lord.

"Do you think that I will be attracted to that face of yours?" His gripped on her chin getting tighter.

"I don't know, maybe this appearance of mine reminded you of someone, Muzan," she said with a different tone of voice and a warm smile, making him twitching his eye slightly and let go of her chin. She smiled proudly at his reaction. "Did I hit the nail on the head?" She chuckled lightly.

The demon is now standing in front of her, glaring at her unsightly hair. "Let me get to the point quickly," he said with hint of seriousness, "where is the blue spider lily?" He put on so much pressure to her that she can feel all of her hair stand up on the back of her neck.

She forced a smirk on her face. "And why would I tell you? I have no reason to give you such information."

"Oh, you have," she can feel that the demon in front of her is smirking right now, "because if you don't tell me where is it, that Wind Pillar will met his end." Hanabi widened her eyes, realization came to her.

'Shit! I forgot about Sanemi!' she cursed in her mind. 'What do I do!? I can't do recklessly because Sanemi will also get affected.'

"Now answer my question from before," he lifted her chin again forcefully to meet his eyes, "where's the blue spider lily?"

Hanabi hesitating on what should she said. "Remember your principle," Kikyō said, standing besides Muzan, "I have been watching you from when you are still in you mother's embrace, and I know that you have a strong principle about what's wrong and what's right," she said with a serious face, "remember why you strive yourself to this point. Do you think that hair change white to just anyone?"

Hanabi gulped down. 'If I tell him the truth, then what I, Miruka and Kenji have been doing will be in vain,' she bite her lips.

"Tell me." Muzan's voice is calm but demanding her to speak. His bloody red eyes glaring at her pink ones. She returned the glare to the demon in front of her, trying to stare at the malicious red eyes. She inhaled deeply.

Will of Nature: Eyes of the Sky.

Muzan widened his eyes when all of his past memories suddenly flowing again to his mind. 'What!? Is this her power?'

Hanabi roamed into Muzan's memory at a fast pace. Her mind filled with horrible memories about Muzan's past, she restrained the horrendous dizzyness from having lots of memories getting past through her mind. She keep going until she find what she wanted.


"Kikyō!!" He screamed out of his lung, holding the woman in his arms. He glared at the male demon slayer in front of him. "How dare you!" He lifted his hand towards the man, but Kikyō stopped him. "Don't...Muzan."

He averted his gaze towards the woman with sadness and fear. Tears are threatening to leaked out from his eyes. "Kikyō..." He whispered weakly.

The male demon hunter who did all of this, seeing the chance to decapitated the demon lord, and striked upfront. Muzan who noticed this immediately killed the man with his Blood Demon Technique. Kikyō who witnessed this can only closed her eyes in disappointment, both at the demon hunter and the demon lord.

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