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~Aaliyah's Pov~

Earlier today when we went to the beach, Judith found a walker skin, one of their masks when she went out with RJ and Jerry's kids, Michonne took a small group went out to see if the herd was back or if there was any other signs of Alpha. "Yo," I looked over to see Daryl coming over to me. "Oh hi buddy." I said as Dog jumped on me. "Hey baby." I said petting the dog. "I'm gonna go out there with Carol." he said, "She's back.?" I asked looking around. "Yeah," he said. "Mm," I said biting my lip the slightest as i looked around, "She ain't here, she's waiting for me by my bike." he said. I nodded a bit, i really wanted to see her, i haven't seen her in a while, she's been at sea.

"oh," I said as i kept on petting dog. I looked down at him to see his eyes closed as i pet his head. "I'll tell 'er you said hey. She's alright." He said. I nodded looking at him. "okay," I said. I nudged Dog off me and he just sat next to me. I dusted my clothes off. "Be careful." I said. He nodded. "Mhm." He said and put a hand on my arm. "See you later." he said, I nodded. "Feed him." he said backing away, pointing at Dog.

~Later on that same day~

There was a sudden loud bang that echoed through the air, it wasn't an explosion because we didn't feel the ground shake. The bang came from above. I looked up to see something falling from the sky, It looked like it was on fire, and it was moving really fast. I furrowed my eyebrows, everyone started freaking out, not knowing what it was or what to do. I looked around not seeing Daryl around, I groaned a bit and started heading out to the forest. "Where are you going.?" I heard Jackson's voice. I looked back to see him coming over to me. "I'm gonna go check it out, see what we're dealing with." I said as he jogged up to me. "I'll go with you," He said. I nodded and he finally reached me. We started heading over, into the woods.

"It's getting dark, you still wanna go out there.?" He asked, i looked over to see him looking up at the sky. I looked up too, it was true. "I have you with me, we'll be okay." I said looking forward again. I stopped dead in my tracks realizing that since we didn't see anything this close to Oceanside, which means that whatever came from the sky landed on Alpha's side of the border she put up. Jackson looked back at me. "I know, alright.?" He asked looking at me, i looked at him again. "That thing was on fire. Don't tell me you haven't smelled the smoke." He said coming back to them. "If they see us- if they catch us we're dead. We're all dead." I said looking at him."If that fire spreads, it can take that whole place down. People will lose their homes." He said.

I bit my lip slightly and shook my head. "Cmon," He said backing away the slightest, he kept looking at me. I slowly walked over to him and finally reached him and we walked further, crossing Alpha's forest. My heart was racing, i'm not gonna lie, i was paranoid with this whole thing. Afraid of being caught.


"Shit." Jackson said and ran towards the obvious fire. "Jackson!-" I said going after him. If they were here, if they were back they would have seen the fire. The trees were starting to catch fire, it was spreading, The huge object in the middle looked like a satellite. "We have to go." I said. "We have to stop it." He said. "Look around! What are we gonna stop it with?! We need to get the others." I said putting a hand on his arm. He looked at me. "Please- we- I can't be out here alone. Not here. We have to go back. Please." I said. He looked at me for a few seconds then back at the Satellite. "Please Jackson." I repeated and grabbed his hand.

I was scared.

If they were to come out, we'd be outnumbered. "Please-" I said pulling him slightly. He grabbed my back back completely and we took off, running back to Oceanside. We saw people running over to us and we let go, "The hell're you doing back here!?" Daryl asked. "We came to check it out- it's big." I said. "You get the hell back to camp. What's wrong with you?!" He asked looking at me angry. "You, stay with us." Daryl said and took off. I shook my head running my hand through my hair and i took off running back to Oceanside. "Wait-! Help us!" I looked over to see Magna. "What are we doing?" i asked. "Back burn to stay the fuel." Aaron handing me a shovel.

I started helping them and when we were done, we lit it up. I got through the line. "Where are you going?!" Yumiko asked. "Daryl's out there. I'm gonna go help him. You need to come help us.! Go get what ever you can get to fight.!" i said. "Let's go!" Aaron said and they took off. I ran back to the rest and started taking down walkers with my knives since it was the only thing i had on me.


People from Alexandria started showing up, to help us put out the fire and Eugene was taking some things from the satellite. "I told you get back to camp." I heard Daryl's voice. "Yeah i heard you." I said cleaning up the walker blood from my knives and putting them back in their holsters. I had 2 throwing knives and i regular hunting knife. He took the rag from my hand harshly and i looked over to him. "What the hell." I said looking at him. "I told you to go back." He said. "They needed my help." I said. He shook his head. "When're you gonna learn to listen.?!" He said lowly, putting a finger on the side of my head and pocking me. I pushed his arm away from me and kept looking at him angry but with unexpected tears in my eyes.

"Nah. Don't start." He said shaking his head and walking away. I hated when he yelled at me. When he puts his finger on my head. I hated it because my dad use to do that to me. He taunted me like that when i was little. Daryl was angry, i get it but still i hated it. He didn't mean it, but he shows me that he was serious and pissed off at me when he does that. I held my head up slightly and backed away. I went back to camp.

The fire was out and the walkers were dead, so we were good. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked over to see Connie and Kelly. "You okay?" Kelly asked. I nodded sighing, licking my lips slightly. "Yeah." I said. Connie nodded and rubbed my back, they both noticed the tears. I nodded giving her a soft smile, We headed back to camp.

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