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~Aaliyah's Pov~

We ended up deciding on crossing the border that Alpha put up. We weren't traveling with anything else, we left the wagons and the horses behind and took only we could carry. If we get caught or spotted by Alpha and her people, there would be consequences. We were gonna cross the river to get to get to Hilltop faster. We got to the path but we saw 3 figures standing in the way but the thing was, they weren't moving at all. "Are they- frozen..?" i asked as i pulled out one of my knives. "Looks like it," Jackson said as he looked around. 

Daryl took out his crossbow and took one town. I took out one of my throwing knifed sand threw it. It hit the figure and it collapsed, It sounded like shattered actually. I squinted my eyes trying to get a better look,  it was hard to see with all the snow falling, the wind wasn't helping either. We walked and Michonne took down the last walker standing. I took my knife out of the walker's head and we kept moving.

"There's the river. We made it." Ezekiel said as we reached the river. "I'm gonna check the ice." Daryl said tapping my shoulder and moving his head. I followed him, backing him up while the rest stood behind. He reached down to the level of the water. "You want me to do it?" i asked as he held his hand out towards me. He shook his head. "Nah." he said. I held his hand and he grabbed it as he checked the ice. He let me go after he checked if it was strong enough to hold. "Yeah, i think we're good." he said and looked up, eyeing the ice.

"We have to assume they've got eyes on the borders. Make sure the others are ready to go." Ezekiel said. "Done and done." Jerry said and walked back to get the rest. I started walking a bit more, further. Carefully, Jackson joined me. "Hey, Where's Lydia?" Daryl asked. I looked over to see him looking back at the rest. I looked at the rest to see she wasn't there, she was just there. "She's can't be far." i said. "I'm gonna go find her, you get everyone across. I'll be right back." Carol said taking off.

"Alright, let's move." Ezekiel said. From the corner of my eyes i saw movement next to Daryl. I saw a hand slowly start to stick out, reaching for him. "Daryl-!" i said. He looked at me and i pointed next to him. He looked down and back away killing it. I felt a hand on my ankle and i gasped backing away a bit. Jackson grabbed his knife and stabbed it. I backed away from the body but we saw more and more walkers start to come out from the snow. 

"Move!" Michonne said. "Shit-" Jackson said tripping slightly. I grabbed his arm and stabbed the walker. "Cmon." i said and we moved. We took down walkers as we made our way across the frozen river and we made it safely. But we saw more and more walkers kept showing up. "Is it them?" Alden asked looking at the walkers. "No. Not here. Not in this." Michonne said looking too. "Get them Across. We'll hold them back." Ezekiel said. We had to wait for Lydia and Carol, they were still out there. I looked around and i saw Daryl was pinned down.

"Daryl!" I called out as my heart started racing. "Don't!" He yelled and everyone turned around. He flipped over and killed the walker that was on him. I looked at him scared as i caught my breath slightly. Jackson pulled me back a bit and killed a walker that was close to me. I looked at the walker that was at my feet then back at Daryl. I saw him stand up and he  looked over to me, giving me a nod. I released a the breath i was holding in. We saw Carol and Lydia show up. We kept moving and Daryl caught up to me and i looked at him kinda scared. "I'm alright. Let's keep movin'." he said rubbing my shoulder.

I nodded a bit and we walked through the storm. It seemed to be getting stronger and it was getting harder to see. Jackson held his hand out and i took it without hesitation. He pulled me closer and we walked, holding hands through the storm.


We ended up reaching the Hilltop safely and we spent the night. The snow stopped and we headed to the main house. "Well Well," We looked over to see Marcel. I smiled and went over to him quickly and hugged him. He hugged back. "You okay kid?" he asked softly. I nodded a bit. "Yeah." I said softly. We pulled away and i looked at him. "I heard what happened." He said looking at me. I nodded a bit. "I'm okay." I said giving him a soft smile. 

"I'm sorry you had to see that." He said looking at me. I shook my head a bit  looking back up at him. "I'm not." I said softly. He just looked at me. "I know what we're dealing with now.. and now i know how far she'll go." I said. He nodded a bit. "Go get warmed up." He said. "See you around." I said and backed away. I headed towards an opening and sat down, leaning against the wall, i was in a corner and i rested my head on the wall next to me, brought my knees up to my chest and closed my eyes.


"Hey." i felt a hand on my knee and then my arm. I opened my eyes and moved hair out of my face. I saw Jackson squatting down in front of me. "What are you doing on the floor?" He asked. I shook my head resting my head on the wall again and closing my eyes again. "Out of everywhere in the house, you chose the corner." he said smiling at me. I smiled sleepily, "Stop making fun of me," I said softly. 

"Go to the couch," He said. I shook my head. "No i'm okay. The kids can lay down. I'm okay in my corner." I said softly. "Okay." he said taking his jacket off and sat down next to me. He placed it over my knees. I pulled my knees up closer, not opening my eyes. I felt his arm against mine and i rested my head on his shoulder instead of the wall. He looked down to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder pulling me in closer. Hugging me. I scooted in closer and reached out for his hand and held it. He held it back and rubbed it with his thumb until i fell asleep again.

~The next day~

We finally reached Alexandria. We had a little snowball fight, all of us. It was nice to have a laugh after everything that just happened. I was walking and dusting the snow off of me when i felt another one hit my back. I stopped walking and looked forward smiling. I heard a laugh from behind me. I turned around to see Jackson standing there, laughing as he looked at me. I shook my head laughing a bit. "I was getting the snow off me!" I said. He shrugged and walked over to me. He had his arm behind him. "A little snow doesn't hurt anyone." He said reaching me. "Mm." i said shaking my head as he finally reached me. I dusted myself off again and ran my hand through my hair. "You missed one." he said looking at my head. I ran my hand through my hair again and he smiled. 

"I got it." he said taking a step closer to me. I up at him slightly, he was a bit taller than me so when i had to look at him i had to look up slightly. 

(She was able to see over his shoulder if that helps you get an image on the height difference)

"There," he aid pulling his arm away from my head. I smiled a bit. "You wanna tell me what you're hiding behind your back?" i asked. He smiled a little too and took the slightest step back. I looked down as he finally pulled his other arm in front of him. I saw he was holding the Romeo and Juliet book in his hands. "Oh my god." I said looking away, i smiled and shook my head. "What??" He asked smiling at me. "You stole the book- You stole a book, Jackson." i said looking back at him. He looked down at the book laughing a bit, his laugh making me laugh a little too. "Okay- look," he said and looked at me. "Technically i didn't steal it. No one owns it anymore." He said shaking his head. 

"My god," I said smiling and licking my lips slightly as i looked away once again. He smiled as he looked at me. "And, i figured you'd wanna know how the story ends. So," he said holding it towards me. I looked back at him and giggled. "Welcome home gift." he said nodding. I took the book and looked down at it. "Thank you? I guess." i said laughing. He laughed too. "You're welcome." He said giving me a small nod. I shook my head. "You gonna show me around or what Dixon.?" He asked walking away from me. I looked down and smiled as i bit my lip. I haven't laughed or smiled like this in what felt like forever. It felt good. I felt happy when i was around him, and most of all i felt safe. 

He turned around. "Don't make me throw another snow ball at you." He said looking at me. I looked at him. "You wouldn't dare." I said walking. "Don't test me." He said smirking. "I'm coming, i'm coming." i said walking up to him. 

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