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I hope you had a great day 😍❤️

~Aaliyah's Pov~

Last night, and today we ended up talking to the girl we found on the bridge. She told us her story, she told us about her father, her mother, her group, how her group works. And we were letting her stay here. She told us that her mom beat her, she has bruises on her arm. We just stepped out. "I need to be on watch." I said looking at Daryl. He nodded. "Alright, go," He said. "So this whole time. Lydia's mom made her think it was her fault her dad died.?" We looked over to see Henry walking over to us. We stopped walking and looked at him. "Why would a mom do that to her kid.?" Henry asked as he stopped too. "Some people ain't meant to be parents." Daryl said. 

"So what happens now? Can she stay here with us?"  He asked. "We'll see. Should get her some fresh clothes. Ima Talk to Tara. See about that camp." He said and patted my back. "Go," He said. I headed over to the walls. I was up here for not even 5 minuted and i saw what looked like a herd of walkers. But the thing is, they were walking like people. I looked at them confused, was it them? Was it her people.?

I grabbed the binoculars and looked through them, getting a closer look. I saw that it was, It was those people wearing masks. I turned around and saw Daryl talking to Tara. "Daryl!" I called out holding on to the railing. He turned and came running to me with Tara following not so far behind. 

I looked back and saw they were standing right outside our gates, The woman in the middle was the only one not wearing a mask, Her hair was shaved off. The rest of them were wearing masks, i'm guessing this was their leader. Daryl and Tara climbed up. Not so far behind them Magna and Yumiko climbed up too. We all looked at the group of people below us. "I am Alpha!" The woman called out, looking at us.

"And we only want one thing from you. My daughter!" She said looking at us. This was Lydia's mother. "I knew it." I said shaking my head. Daryl looked at me. "What.?" he asked. I looked at him. "Really.? After Michael? He came back to mess with me. She needs her damn toy to torment." I said as i kept looking at Alpha. I looked over to him too. He knew i was right. When we were talking to Lydia, she said when people go missing they didn't go look for them. Everyone looked down at them. It was creepy to be honest, this was something we've never come across. 

"Our community is more than capable of defending itself." Tara said as we looked down at the small group. "I show you my face because we mean you no harm. I just want my daughter." She said shaking her head. "I know you have her." She said looking at us. "You should turn around. Leave now, no one gets hurt." Daryl said. "Wrong answer." She said and held her hand up. More of her people came out. Many more. I furrowed my eyebrows looking at them as they walked up to the gate.

"That girl told me what her mom does to her. We ain't sendin' her back to that." Daryl said looking down. I looked over to Magna. She looked at me then back down. "Yeah, but what if she has Alden and Luke? Pissing her off can get them killed." Tara said looking at us then back down.

"Did you kill our friends? We found their horses." Magna said looking at Alpha. "No. Which one of you leads these these people?" Alpha called out. "The hell's it matter?" Daryl said. I looked back to see everyone rushing to their homes. Locking the doors. I looked back. "They don't seem to have any guns." I said. "Yeah but they have knives, we know that." Magna said. "We can take 'em.." I said looking at them.

"Then i'll just address all of you. Your people crossed into our land. There will be no conflict. Your people killed our people. There will be no conflict. I'm done talkin'. Bring me my daughter or there will be conflict." She said looking at us. "no one touches the girl." Daryl said. I looked at him. This honestly brought up a lot of memories from when we were younger. How our dad use to beat us. So this was a touchy subject for him, for me too. I didn't want her to go back to that either. Getting beat for no reason. He started climbing down the ladder.

"Daryl-" Tara said. I followed him down. "Come with me." Daryl said grabbing my hand and pulling it. He let it go and I followed him. "Does she have Alden and Luke?" Enid asked coming up to us. "What do they want?" Henry asked. "We don't know yet." I said as we walked. "No- Daryl we can't do that." Henry said catching up to us.

"She ain't gettin' her." Daryl said as we stopped. "Then what are we gonna do?" I asked looking at her. "She's done talkin'. I'm not." He said as we reached the gates. "Cmon." Daryl said looking at the guards. They opened the gate and he walked. I followed him and they closed the gates behind us. I followed him and we headed down to meet the woman at the gate. "You have your gun.?" he asked not looking at me. "Yeah." I said  "Alright." He said.

We reached them. The woman's face was dirty, she had blue eyes and a shaved head. "You can't have her." Daryl said. The woman tilted her head slightly. "Now, If it's a fight you're looking for, We have enough fire power to light you up. Right here and now." Daryl said looking at her. We heard a baby and i looked over to see a woman cradling a baby.

"You brought a baby.? Are you kidding me.?" i asked looking at her. I shook my head. "You're gonna get it killed." I said again. She smirked a bit and looked at me. "We're animals. Animals live out here. Animals have babies. So we have babies out here." She said looking me in the eyes. She looked back to Daryl. "Now. What were you saying? Lightin' us all up? You seem to want conflict." She said looking at Daryl.

From the corner of my eye i saw movement. I looked over to see two people being brought up by two others. All 4 wearing masks. "I don't. So i'm proposing a trade." She said and looked back at them. The masks were peaked off and we saw Alden and Luke with rags over their mouths them to keep them from talking.

They didn't look hurt.. that was a good sign. The two people held knives against their throats. I looked at them both. "I wanted to kill them." She said looking back at us. I looked back at her. "but i want my daughter more. One of mine. Two of yours. It's a good trade." She said. I looked at Daryl and he looked at me. She was right.. He looked at me and gave him a look. I know he didn't like the fact that we had to send that girl back to the abuse. I didn't want that for her either.

"Which is why you're gonna take it." She said. We looked back to her. "Now, bring me my daughter." She said stepping closer to the fence. "Cmon." i said pulling his arm a bit. I let go and we walked back inside. "We doing this?" i asked. He nodded. "Yeah." He said. I nodded. "alright," I said softly. "Don't mean i want to though." He said. "I know you don't.. I don't want to either." I said.

We knew what we were sending her back to. We went back inside. "What did say? Are they okay?" Enid asked running up to us. "They will be. We gotta hand back the girl." Daryl said as we walked. Enid grabbed my hand. "Is he okay- Is Alden okay?" she asked worried. I nodded. "Yeah, he's okay, He doesn't have a scratch on him." I said.

She sighed in relief. "Where's Henry, He's gonna want to say goodbye." Daryl said as we walked. "Daryl." We looked over to see Magna. "Tara and Yumiko went to get Lydia." She said. "What do you mean?" "What?" Daryl and I said. "She sided while you two were out there. When she saw luke and alden." She said. I looked at Daryl, They ran. "If we find Henry, we find Lydia." I said looking at him and the small group around us.

"Hey, she's gone." Yumiko said running to us, Tara behind her. "The hell you mean she's gone.!?" Daryl asked getting angry. "Her door was open, the key was in the lock. Daryl you know we have to do this." Tara said looking at him. "Alright, split up. We find Henry we find the girl." Daryl said moving. I followed him. We looked everywhere but they weren't here.

They were gone.

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