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oh btw, Aaliyah is 24. :)

~Aaliyah's Pov~

We were still running away from the herd of walkers. I was way too tired and i felt like i was gonna pass out. I stopped running and bent down slightly, putting my hands on my knees. "Stop- stop wait." I said catching my breath slightly. "I need to stop too." Eugene said. I closed my eyes. "Sit." Daryl said reaching me. I felt his hand on my arm and he pulled me slightly. "I can't- walk anymore." i said catching my breath. "Then sit. On the floor, cmon." he said helping me, I sat on the floor and brought my knees up to my chest. I closed my eyes and rested my head arms on my knees, using them as a pillow. I rested my head on them and caught my breath, trying to calm myself down.

"It doesn't make any sense, They shouldn't have doubled back. And they definitely shouldn't have followed us to the barn." Jesus said. I had a huge headache. "I do have a theory deposit." Eugene said holding his knee. "The walkers are evolving." He said. "Bullshit." Daryl said pacing. "Don't tell me you believe him." Daryl said. There was silence. "Get up." He said, i felt hands on my arms from behind. I was lifted up and as soon i was on my feet i collapsed a bit more. "Cmon, you gotta stay awake." He said wrapping one of my arms around him. "I'm tired." i said softly as i caught my breath a bit. "Stay awake." He said holding me up. "They're dead. They're not evolving." Jesus said looking at Eugene. "Being dead isn't stopping them. They're not dead in any sense that makes sense." Eugene said looking at them.

"It takes a hit to the cranium to stop them. That means the brain is alive. And if its alive it mean it can change. Maybe it can start remembering things. Like how to talk!" Eugene said. I looked at him. That's true.. "What.?" Daryl said looking at us. "It's not any crazier than the dead being alive in the first place. If they can learn to talk. Maybe they can learn strategy. Like how to hunt." Jesus said.

"They're right on our asses." Aaron said running back to us. "We gotta get to the horses fast." He said catching his breath. "You have to leave me behind. I'm slowing you down and she is no condition to keep running either." Eugene said looking at them. "I can't fight anymore. I can't run anymore. I feel like i'm going to pass the hell out." I said looking at Daryl. "I'll carry you the whole damn way if that's what you want. I'm not leaving you behind. Not you." Daryl said looking around.

"We came out here to find you. We found you and we're getting you back home safe." Jesus said looking at me, then Eugene. "You don't have a choice." Eugene said looking at Jesus. "It's not your call," Jesus said pointing at Eugene. "The numbers actually work for us. We can split up." Jesus said. "No." I said shaking my head. "Aaliyah. This isn't any of your calls." Jesus said. 

"Yeah it is." I said getting angry. "How." Daryl said looking at me. "You came out to look for us. And we're grateful. But we're putting you in danger. I don't want that. Those walkers are not normal. They're-- I don't know what the hell they are. But we're not safe. You don't think it's a little weird that they're still on us.? We've been running for miles Jesus. Eugene and i have been running for 2 days and they're still on us." I said. He shook his head. "We're not gonna leave you. You two get them back to the horses, I'll wait here for the herd to get here and I'll draw 'em off in the other direction. Meet you back at the Hilltop." Jesus said. "You do realize that's a crazy idea. In what way is this safer. We have to stick together." I said.

"It doesn't help us. The only way out of this is to avoid a fight." Jesus said. "You're not listening to me." I said looking at all of them. "If anyone's staying it's gonna be me." Daryl said. "No- Oh my god!" I said pushing Daryl off me. I put my hands on my knees and bent down again. "No one is staying behind. No one is splitting up. I wouldn't even leave the damn dog behind." I said looking at them. "Aaliyah it's not your call. How many times do we have to tell you." Daryl said. "How many times do i have to tell you to listen to me!" I said looking at them. "Go. Hell, I'll probably beat you back." He said backing up. Jesus and Aaron grabbed Eugene. "We can't split up." I said angry as i looked at my brother. Walking to him. "You have to get back. You're hurt. You have no choice." He said turning. I groaned a bit.

"I'm not hurt." I said. "You can barely stand. You probably did hurt yourself you're just to stubborn to see past it." He said walking. "I'm staying with you then." I said. "No." he said looking at me. "Yes i am. You don't have a choice here either." I said looking at him. "Not your call. Not your choice." i said. He groaned looking at them then back at me. "You do as i say. Do you understand.?" He asked pointing at me and coming over to me. I nodded. "Go." Daryl said to them. They took off and i went to Daryl. I just couldn't run maybe staying with him will give me that chance to rest. "Dog!" he called out.

"Cmon." Daryl said looking at me. We went to this shed that was on the side of the road. "Wait," he said and opened the door, checking inside. "Stay in here." He said and helped me sit. I leaned down against the wall and rested my head on the wall. "Don't freak out. I'ma use fireworks to draw 'em out alright.?" he asked. I nodded. "Mhm." i said closing my eyes and swallowing the lump in my throat. "I'm starting to think you hit your damn head." he said pulling out my gun and putting it in my hand. I took it and opened my eyes. I don't think i hit my head, i would know right?

"I'm just tired.." i said softly. "And dehydrated." he said standing up. "Sit tight." He said and walked out of the shed, i heard him climb up to the roof, He threw the crackers which only made my hurt even more and the the Dog barking was making my ears ring even more. I felt the dog start to lick my hand and i opened my eyes to see him growling and kind of whimpering. "I'm okay." i said petting him. He got in between my legs and i put my hand down once i closed my eyes again.

I felt hot, and i was sweating a lot. My head was killing me, i was tired. And i just wanted to sleep. I was able to hear the herd out there. I started fading completely, falling asleep. I felt the Dog's head on my lap, once in a while he'd lick my arm. I heard a thump outside. "Hey." Daryl said coming inside. "Get off." Daryl said pushing the dog a bit but he growled at Daryl. "Stupid dog." I heard him say.

"You with me.?" he asked putting his hand on my cheeks, then my head. "Burnin' up." He mumbled and let me go. I heard him unzip a bag. "You didn't get bit? Or scratched.??" He asked. I shook my head the slightest. "Aaliyah." he said putting his hands on my cheeks again. "Open your eyes." He said. I opened them and looked at him sleepily. "Did you?." he asked. I shook my head. "No." i said softly. I heard him rummaging through his bag. "Here. Here. Drink." he said I felt something against my lips and the object was tilted up. I drank the water. I put my hand on his arm and he pulled the bottle away from my lips.

I caught my breath slightly and opened my eyes. "Cmon, More." He said putting the bottle against my lips. I closed my eyes and drank some more. "Mm-" i said moving my hand on his arm. He pulled away and i liked my lips and caught my breath the slightest. "Alright, Last one." he said moving the bottle closer. I drank some more and moved my head away from the bottle. He put the cap on the bottle and put it away. "Stay awake." He said putting his hand on my forehead. He felt the fever. "Alright, Cmon." He said pushing the dog off of me. "Cmon." he said. I opened my eyes and he helped me up, we took off to the cemetery.

Rip Paul "Jesus" Rovia.

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