Cursed Legacy - 5

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Wolf Compound WC-217-Epsilon
Thurston County
North America
4th April, 3052

Star Colonel Darren Fetladral stared at Vlad with a dumb-founded look. "What you propose is treason!"

"What I propose," Vlad countered with a snarl, "is the survival of Clan Wolf! You have seen what Ulric has become. Whatever he is now he is not even human, let alone Clan."

Darren shook his head, struggling to comprehend what Vlad was saying. "You speak of aliens like we live in some cheap holo-vid science fiction world and you expect me to not only believe you but follow you into battle against our Khan? You have lost your mind, Vlad Ward."

"Darren, look at me. You know me, we were raised in the same sibko. We have fought against and beside each other. You have seen Ulric, you know what I say to be true."

Confusion was plain on the Star Colonels face. "I will admit that Ulric is... has changed..."

"Changed?" Vlad said in exasperation. "Ulric is gone. What we see walking around is nothing more than puppet controlled by this thing that lives within him. Explain this energy that Ulric can wield?"

Darren shook his head. "I cannot. You are right, it is not natural. But an alien? Even if I did believe you how would we convince all the others?"

Vlad smiled. "We do not need all the others, only some. Two stars from your units, two stars from mine. That is all the force we need." Vlad knew that his next statement was the deal breaker. "The ComGuard will do the rest."

Darren flinched away from Vlad then. "You filthy dezgra traitor." Darren spat at Vlads feet. "You will leave this place now before I kill you with my bare hands. You are no better than a Dark Caste."

So it had come to this. Vlad suspected it would but had quietly hoped that he could convince Darren Fetladral of the truth. There was only one course of action left.

"Then I challenge you, Star Colonel Darren Fetladral, to a Trial of Grievance. If you win I will leave Terra and you will never see me again. If I defeat you, you will follow me to Unity City."

The Star Colonel smiled. "Bargained well and done. We will fight unaugmented."

Vlad nodded sharply. "Our combat ground shall be outside the main building. One hour from now.

"Aff." The site of your previous defeat; where you allowed the Doctor to escape. You hope to erase the stain of that dishonor.

Vlad turned and walked away to prepare for their Trial. As he moved away Darren Fetladral's head followed him and the smile slipped away from his face.

"I pray that you are wrong, Vlad Ward." He said to himself under his breath. "For if you are right this could spell the death of Clan Wolf."

* * * *

The clansmen of the Wolves had gathered around outside the building forming a circle roughly six meters wide in which the two men stood. Vlad knew Star Colonel Fetladral well, knew his tactics and his preferences in combat. He expected Darren to come at him quickly hoping for a swift victory without drawing the fight on. Vlad was not disappointed.

Darren flew towards Vlad's head with a leaping round-house back kick, looking for a one hit knock out. Vlad's instinct and reflexes immediately kicked in and he ducked under the kick but felt the Star Colonels leg brush his hair.

From his crouched position Vlad swept his legs around, taking out Darrens legs as he came down and knocking them out from under him. Darren had expected Vlad's riposte, however, and went into a roll avoiding most of the impact. There was still an audible grunt as he went down.

Vlad was on his feet in a second and stepped in to Darren as he was gaining his own feet. A quick right hook to the side of Darren's head laid the Star Colonel out on the ground. Vlad place one boot on his mid-back and grabbed his hair in one hand pulling his opponents head back painfully.

"Do you yield, Star Colonel?" Vlad asked. He had barely even broken a sweat.

"Argh! Aff!" yelled Fetladral, then quieter added, "I yield."

Vlad smiled to himself. "I am sorry, Star Colonel. I did not hear you?"

The anger in Darren's voice was apparent as he yelled back. "I yield!"

Vlad let go of Darren's hair, dropping his face to the ground, and stepped off his back. "In accordance with the outcome of this Trial, my cause is just and you will accompany me, along with two Stars of warriors to Unity City. We will leave immediately. I shall meet you at the ProtoMech bay, quiaff?"

Star Colonel Darren Fetladral got to his feet, calmer now and accepting of his fate. "Aff, Vlad Ward. I will gather my warriors."

(Battletech/Doctor Who) Operation: RevivalTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang