Tainted Heritage - 3

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Project: Highway Receiving Station
New Avalon Institute of Science
New Avalon
Federated Suns
28th February, 3052

Everyone stood in the shielded viewing room watching and listening to the Techs voice drifting from the speaker mounted on the wall.

"Transmission Station reads all systems ready. Adept Winstone, can you confirm a green light for station transmission?"

"This is Winstone. We are green."

Hanse was grateful to have the help of ComStar for Project: Highway. With their participation it may not have even got off the ground. Of course the possibility that this may help ComStar to reclaim Terra went a great deal towards their involvement. ComStar had held a monopoly on Hyper-Pulse Generator, or HPG, communication until the Clans had arrived. An HPG relay was capable of firing a transmission up to 30 light years and was vital to maintaining communication within and between the Great Houses. No one ever thought it might be capable of so much more.

"Thank you Adept Winstone. Captain Trimmer, what is your status?"

"This is Trimmer; I'm equipped and locked in." Everyone heard the nervous deep breath as Captain Trimmer prepared himself. "Let's get this over with, Control."

"Steady as we go, Captain. Alright, transmission team; bring us online. Let's keep the waves in sync, people.... Good. Ok, we've captured the structural mapping. Everything's holding nicely. Station B, stand by to receive in 5.....4.....3.....2....."

This was it, thought Hanse. All our hopes rested on this outcome. If it failed the hopes off the Inner Sphere died with the project.

"1. Transmit!"

On the monitor everyone saw the heavily modified Hyper-Pulse Generator relay burst into life. From within the cocoon that held Captain Trimmer a blue light grew in brightness until it hurt the eyes to look directly at it. With a sudden flash the light abated and the cocoon sat still and empty.

A second passed that felt like an hour as the onlookers anxiously watched the metal cocoon through the viewing windows of the receiving station. The cocoon seemed to shudder slightly then a faint blue light appeared within. The light quickly grew to blinding strength before dissipating with a flash. The previously empty cocoon now held a hunched over figure.

A technician and medical team, lead by Doctor Suresh, ran to the cocoon and quickly opened the access door. Doctor Suresh stood half in the cocoon obscuring the view of its contents. Half a minute passed before Suresh stood back from the cocoon and then everyone noticed movement inside. Captain Trimmer slowly extricated himself from inside the device and stood facing the viewing room.

The speaker crackled once.

"Captain Frank Trimmer, reporting for duty!"

The viewing room erupted into cheers, whoops and much shaking of hands. The biggest smile of them all was on the face of First Prince Hanse Davion.

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