Lost History - 4

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Court of the Star League
Unity City
North America
23rd December, 3051

IlKhan Leo Showers looked around the assembled Khans of the Invading Clans. "Honoured Khans of the Star League, your part in the success of Operation Revival and the restoration of all we have striven for has earned you a place on the Council of the Star League. You have also agreed that I, as IlKhan of the successful operation, be honoured with the title of First Lord; a duty which I proudly accept. As my first act I grant permission to those Terran Clans who wish to relocate any or all of their holdings to Terra."

As the Khans present murmured briefly to each other or nodded their approval IlKhan Showers began to pace around the table in the council chamber.

"As you know, part of the success of Operation Revival was due to the gift of the Guardian of Legacies. To honour the Guardian I issued an invitation, at the conclusion of our periphery campaign, to join us here on Terra where a Grand Repository will be created to house all the genetic legacies of the bloodnamed of Operation Revival."

Another murmur ran through the assembled Khans at the news of the Guardians impending arrival and the new repository. The Khan of the Jade Falcons rose from his seat.

"The council recognizes Elias Crichell, Khan of Clan Jade Falcon."

"First Lord, Clan Jade Falcon would like to bid for the position of providing an honour guard for the Guardian's arrival."

The First Lord nodded solemnly and the Khan of the Jade Falcons returned to his seat.

"All bids for the position of Honour Guard should be provided to me. We can then commence trials. Are there any other matters for the council to address?"

Ulric stood up from his seat at the council table.

"The council recognizes Ulric Kerensky, Khan of Clan Wolf."

"The Federated Suns have informed us that they intend to abide by the tenants of the Star League. Clan Wolf requests the honour of travelling to New Avalon to personally receive the oath of fealty from Prince Hanse Davion."

Leo Showers stopped his pacing for a moment, lost in thought.

"I see no reason to hold trials for what is, in reality, a task of little honour. Are there any objections to this request?"

None of the Khans present made any protest.

"Then it is settled. The council agrees to your request, Khan Kerensky. You will appoint a messenger to retrieve Hanse Davions oath of fealty."

Ulric smiled before replying. "I intend to travel to New Avalon myself."

Once again murmurs ran through the assembled Khans.

The First Lord frowned in disapproval. "This is not a task becoming of a Clan Khan, Ulric, but if you wish to lower yourself to this and bring shame upon your Clan so be it."

Ulric returned to his seat.

"That concludes all matters concerning the council. I hereby declare this council session adjourned."

(Battletech/Doctor Who) Operation: RevivalWhere stories live. Discover now