Lost History - 1

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Hilton Head Island
North America
17th December, 3051

Smoke drifted lazily across the battlefield, shrouding the carcasses of savaged Mechs that lay on the churned ground. Within the smoke dark shapes moved. They were smaller than a Mech but larger than the new battle armour that was becoming more common in the armies of the Inner Sphere.

The metal creature emerged from the smoke and revealed its feral visage to any survivors that might have been paying attention. The machine was bipedal with arms and closely resembled a Mech but for its size. A thick, metal hide protected the machine and the barrel of a single energy weapon rested snugly against its right arm.

Inside the cockpit of the ProtoMech Star Captain Vlad Ward of Clan Wolf surveyed the war torn field around him. His Red Wolf ProtoMech had acquitted itself extremely well against the war machines of the ComGuard, Vlad had, at first, been dismissive of the small machine but upon seeing it in action during the Trials for Operation Revival he had agreed that its efficiency at dispatching the enemy could not be undervalued.

He was still amazed at how easily the single weapon of his Red Wolf tore through the armour of enemy machines, disrupting and destroying internal components with but a few bursts. IlKhan Leo Showers had certainly spoken the truth when he announced to the Clans that the time of their return was at hand. The Inner Sphere armies had been swept aside in the Clans advance.

Vlad strode his Red Wolf around a rock outcropping and saw the imposing form of Khan Ulric Kerensky's Gargoyle OmniMech five hundred meters distant. He set his machine into a brisk trot that quickly ate up the ground between them. He took up a position behind and to the left of his Khans machine.

"Star Captain Ward, congratulations on your victory. The single handed defeat of an assault lance has earned you much honour."

"Thank you, my Khan." Vlad replied. "My honour is in aiding Clan Wolf to be the first to claim our objectives on Terra. We shall be hailed as the ilClan."

Ulric smiled within the cockpit of his Gargoyle. "Indeed we shall and you shall earn your place in the Remembrance, Star Colonel Ward."

Vlad's expression turned to one of confusion. "My Khan, I have not yet competed in a Trial of Position to replace Star Colonel Hall."

Ulric's reply came back with a certainty that Vlad could not ignore. "You have proven your ability on the field of battle today, Vlad Ward. You have faced your Trial and emerged victorious."

"Thank you, Khan Kerensky. I will serve you to the death."

Unseen by Vlad, Ulric's smile turned to a grin of pure malice. "No, Star Colonel Ward. Your service will be to Clan Wolf. A newer, more powerful Clan Wolf, one that will surpass even the Founder's great vision."

(Battletech/Doctor Who) Operation: RevivalTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang