Tainted Heritage - 11

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Court of the Star League
Unity City
North America
24th March, 3052

The Star League council of Clans was in session with each of the four Terran Clans represented by both their Khan and saKhan. Leo Showers, ilKhan and First Lord, sat in the great chair placed in front of the Cameron Star emblazoned on one wall of the council chamber. The other members were seated around the circular table.

The table itself was inlaid with each of the Clans emblems and, at its centre, an inlaid image of Terra rested.

The Grand Loremaster of the Clans brought the assembly to attention. "Honoured Khans of the Star League, the council recognizes Khan Elias Crichell of the Jade Falcons."

The Khan of Clan Jade Falcon rose to address the council. "First Lord Leo Showers," Elias started, bowing his head respectfully, "in response to your request to have the terrorist known as Justin Allard brought to the repository for execution...I am ashamed to admit that he is no longer in my Clans possession."

A murmur ran around the table at this revelation and the ilKhan rose, his face red with anger. "Khan Crichell, are you saying that you allowed the prisoner to escape?"

"Neg, ilKhan. We believe there is a terrorist cell operating in Unity City and that it was they who sent in an assassin to murder my Clansmen and take the prisoner."

Leo took his seat once again. "Do you have any evidence of the existence of this terrorist cell?"

A flush of embarrassment crept up Elias' cheeks. "Neg, my Khan, we do not though my saKhan has assured me will we find them soon."

The look of surprise on Timur Malthus' face proved the lie to Elias' words but he quickly recovered and nodded in agreement.

Leo Showers was far from satisfied by the Jade Falcon Khan's assurances. "I will not tolerate failure of any kind from delaying phase two of my plan. Now that we have secured Terra," he cast another withering look at Elias, "I plan on rebuilding the Terran Hegemony. This will involve claiming all previously owned Hegemony worlds from the Houses. Any resistance by the House Lords or their armies is to be met with force. We will begin bidding and trials for administration zones tomorrow. In order to augment our presence here I have sent for the Steel Viper and Diamond Shark reserve forces. Expect Trials of Possession to be forthcoming for their Terran holdings. Are there any questions?"

Bjorn Jorgensson leapt to his feet angrily. "I have fought to bring my Ghost Bears from the brink of failure at the hands of Karl Bourjon, to the height of victory here on Terra. Now you expect me to calmly accept a challenge to our hard won holdings here? You may be First Lord and ilKhan but you overstep your mark if you think to dictate these terms to us."

Leo Showers rose slowly to meet the Ghost Bear Khan's challenge. "You are correct in that, as ilKhan, I cannot dictate such terms. However as First Lord of the Star League I do have the authority and I will execute it as I see fit!"

At that statement the Jade Falcon Khan also stood and joined in the argument. The two Khans shouted and argued with the ilKhan who reciprocated in kind until Ulric Kerensky slowly stood then with a resounding boom slammed something metallic down on the table. All others present fell silent and stared at the Wolf Khan and the laser pistol now resting on the table top.

"This bickering is un-clan like. Khan Jorgensson, if you have a dispute you should resolve it in the appropriate manner. IlKhan, likewise if you feel slighted then a challenge is the proper way to conduct these matters. I should not have to remind Khans of this. We may be the Star League reborn but we are still Clan." Ulric hissed.

Leo Showers stared across the table at the Ghost Bear Khan, unwilling to make the next move. Bjorn saved him from that necessity.

"Very well, First Lord," he spoke the title like it was a curse, "I hereby challenge you to a Trial of Refusal against your edict. Will you meet me in a Circle of Equals?"

The ilKhan was about to reply when the door behind and slightly to the left of him slid open and a blue shape glided through. The eye stalk protruding from the domed head of the Dalek swung back and forth surveying all the assembled Clansmen.

A metallic voice grated out from the restored Guardian of Legacies. "There will be no trials."

The ilKhan bowed his head reverently at the Guardians entrance but Bjorn stood straighter, defiant. "With all due respect, Guardian, you have no authority here."

The Daleks eye stalk swiveled to Bjorn. "Incorrect. You will obey."

A look of concern crossed Leo's face. "Guardian, this is matter of Clan ritual. The Khan has every right to demand a trial of refusal."

This time the eyestalk swung to the ilKhan. "Negative. There will be no trials." The Dalek spun so that its gun stick now also pointed at the ilKhan. "The Daleks have spoken. You will obey the Daleks or you will be exterminated!"

What happened next was a blur of movement as Bjorn dived onto the table, grasping up the laser pistol. He snapped two quick shots off at the Dalek but the bolts of energy did not even mar the surface of the Daleks shell.

In response the Dalek swung back around and let off one shot from its mounted weapon. The blast of energy caught the Ghost Bear Khan directly in the chest. With a scream of agony Bjorn Jorgensson tumbled off the table and lay lifeless on the floor.

Elias looked on in shock at the death of the Ghost Bear Khan at the hands of the Guardian whereas Ulric simply looked on smiling.

The Dalek turned back to Leo Showers. "This world now belongs to the Daleks!"

As soon as the words were spoken three more Daleks glided into the room. These were all red and they took up positions behind the blue Dalek. "You are no longer of use to the Daleks. You will be exterminated! Exterminate! Exterminate!"

The red Daleks took up the chant as the blue Dalek fired once more, blasting ilKhan Leo Showers back into his seat and killing him instantly. Elias Crichell and the Clan saKhans recovered enough of their senses to bolt through the main door and run for their lives down the corridor beyond. Ulric remained exactly where he stood.

"You have done well," he said as he surveyed the three new Daleks.

"The genetic stock is suitable for production," the blue Dalek intoned.

Ulric's smiled broadened. "Good. Then continue your work and this world shall be yours."

The blue Dalek paused for a moment as it watched Ulric, thinking. "As you wish," it stated simply then spun silently and glided out the door through which it entered, followed by the red Daleks.

Ulric remained for a moment, staring at the corpse of the First Lord, then he slowly walked from the council chamber leaving the carnage behind him.

(Battletech/Doctor Who) Operation: Revivalحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن