Lost History - 3

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Security Detention Centre
Mount Davion
New Avalon
Federated Suns
23rd December, 3051

The Doctor sat up from the bunk as the door of his cell opened and a tall, dark haired man walked in. The two men stared at each other for a moment, measuring the other up before the newcomer spoke.

"My name is Justin Allard. I understand you are a Doctor of some sort."

"It took you long enough to get here." The Doctor retorted angrily. "The fate of mankind could be at stake and you keep me locked up here for.... How long have I been here?"

Justin looked at the chronograph adorning his wrist. "About nine hours."

The Doctor jumped to his feet. "Nine hours? We'll have to work fast. I need a brief historical overview from you, something like the last five hundred years should suffice."

Justin was taken a little aback by this mans bizarre behaviour. "Five hundred years?"

"You're right, not long enough. Never mind, we don't have time for anything more. Now, it's 3051 so the Third Great Earth Empire is in effect, yes?"

Justin regained some of his composure. "There have been no Great Earth Empires, Doctor. Perhaps you mean the Star League?"

The Doctor stopped with a stunned look on his face. "No. No, it can't be. Of course, Davion, the Star League, I read about this in the Chronicles of Alternate Universes in the Gallifreyan archives. But how...?"

"Doctor, please sit down. Perhaps we can start again." The Doctor sat, still stunned, so Justin continued. "Now, can you tell me where you're from?"

The Doctor looked up at Justin. "Hmmm? Oh, yes, Gallifrey, in the constellation of Kasterborous." He answered absently.

"Is that somewhere in the deep Periphery?"

The Doctor snorted. "You might say that. So I must be on New Avalon, yes? It makes sense if the Davion Palace Guard apprehended me. Let me think, it's called the Inner Sphere in this Universe, isn't it?"

"In this universe?" Justin frowned.

"Yes, yes. I'll get to that later. But if I remember the writings correctly the Clans never made it to Earth....ah, Terra. The ComGuard defeated them at Tukayyid in 3052. Which means...."

Justin was suddenly intrigued by this mans rambling. "Which means?"

The Doctor looked up smiling. "I was right! You do need my help! Is Hanse Davion still alive?"

Justin was again shocked at the question. "Yes."

"Good. I need to speak to him immediately."

"I'm sorry Doctor I can not allow a potential threat anywhere near the First Prince."

The Doctor leaned in closer to Justin and immediately sensed the man tense up, ready to react to any danger. His tone became deadly serious.

"If you don't get me an audience with Hanse Davion he will, very soon, be the Federated Suns Last Prince."

"Threatening his Highness will not help your plight, Doctor."

"I'm not the threat here, Mr Allard, the threat is out there. It's the Clans and whatever it is that has enabled them to so drastically change history. And I can assure you, that threat is heading here and if we don't act soon there will be no way to stop it."

(Battletech/Doctor Who) Operation: RevivalWhere stories live. Discover now