Tainted Heritage - 9

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Jade Falcon Sector
Unity City
North America
22nd March, 3052

SaKhan Timur Malthus stood before his Khans desk. Elias Crichell had been silent for over a minute now, his face red with anger and looking ready to explode. With immense self-control Khan Crichell took a deep shuddering breath then looked up at his saKhan.

"What of the guards who were on duty at the time?"

"They were killed during the raid."

Elias' head dropped into his hands. "At least that saves me the job of doing it."

"We have locked down the sector and all available security is patrolling the streets. Should we also alert the First Lord?"

Elias' head snapped up. "No! This is an internal matter and it will be dealt with as such. The First Lord must never know of our failure, is that understood?"

SaKhan Malthus bowed his head. "Of course, Khan Crichell. One other thing; I have received a report from the Moseby Street HPG technicians. There was a very unusual transmission received last night. It was not a communication but information was definitely received. In doing so some of the equipment was damaged."

"You think this was sabotage?"

"No, Elias, there was no evidence of that. It is almost as if the transmission that was received overloaded the system."

Elias looked shocked. "Is it possible that the Inner Sphere has developed some kind of HPG weapon?"

"Yes, it is possible. I have put our best technicians onto the investigation. I will report any findings directly to you, of course."

"Very good, Timur, thank you. I am starting to doubt the wisdom of Operation Revival. All it has achieved so far is to trap us in the middle of the Inner Sphere like flies in a web."

"The ilKhan was not solely responsible for the decision to launch Operation Revival, Elias. He took council from the Guardian of Legacies, if you recall."

Elias grew irritated. "Don't presume to lecture me, Timur. I know very well where the seed to launch Revival was nurtured. I wonder if the Guardian also doubts the wisdom of this enterprise now that he sits in his shattered repository nursing his injuries."

Timur frowned. "It would seem that you are lacking information, Elias. The Guardian has recovered and now resides at the court of the Star League with the ilKhan while the repository is rebuilt."

"Recovered?" Elias repeated, shocked. "The Terran Council meets at court in two days. I wonder if the ilKhan's pet will be joining us."

"Time will tell, my Khan."

* * * *

Gabrielle walked through the door of the apartment carrying two bags containing food, drink and other essential supplies. As she closed the door behind her she uttered one word: "Starburst".

Seconds later Justin walked from the inner bedroom to the main room and smiled at Gabrielle before sitting at the small dining table. "How's things out there?"

Gabrielle shook her head. "The streets are crawling with Falcon security. I don't think it'll be long before they start the door to door search."

Justin grimaced. "We've got to get out of here tonight. I wish I knew where the Doctor was."

"Well, our choices are the Smoke Jag or Wolf sectors. The Ghost Bear sector is on the other side of the central League zone. I'm not fond of either of our options but we'd be able to move around a little freer in the Wolf sector."

"I agree", Justin nodded, "though getting passage out of either is going to be a nightmare. What if we got out of Unity City altogether?"

Gabrielle stopped unpacking the bags as she pondered Justin's suggestion. "Our ComStar intel revealed a small drop port in Olympia. That's not too far if we can find some kind of transport. It's only a small commercial port but we might be able to arrange passage off world."

"That sounds like a good option." Justin concurred. "Small, discreet, those are definite advantages. Ok, let's see if we can get a vehicle. Once we're out of Unity City half our problems will be over."

(Battletech/Doctor Who) Operation: RevivalTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang