Lost History - 10

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Palace of the First Prince
Mount Davion
New Avalon
Federated Suns
4th February, 3052

Khan Ulric Kerensky stood before the First Prince of the Federated Suns, his countenance was one of anger.

"Our sources have informed us that you are harbouring someone of extra-terrestrial origin, Prince Davion. Is this true?"

Hanse was taken aback by the Clansman's directness but he didn't let it show.

"Extra-terrestrial? You mean alien, Khan Kerensky?" Hanse chuckled derisively. "You should know that no intelligent alien life has ever been discovered in all of humanity's travels."

Ulric smiled condescendingly. "I know only too well, Prince Davion. However, my sources are particularly good. I have no doubt that you have discovered one. A traveler in a strange blue box."

This time the surprise did show on the Prince's face.

"Yes, Prince Davion, I know your secret and now you will hand over the alien and the blue box to me."

"And if I don't, Khan Ulric?" Hanse questioned.

Ulric's smile was predatory, like that of the totem that his Clan represented.

"I would think that Luthien was an unforgettable reminder of what happens to those who disobey the Star League."

Cold anger flashed in Hanse's blue eyes. "Do not threaten me, Khan Ulric, not here in my halls."

The Wolf Khan exploded in anger. "And do not think to lie to me, Hanse Davion! With one word I could reduce your halls to ashes. I am the Star League and you would do well not to forget it!"

Hanse reined in his anger, instead adopting an air of strict formality. "I regret to inform the Wolf Khan that the man to whom he refers is no longer on New Avalon. Were he here I would hand him over as requested."

Ulric snarled. "I doubt that very much. If he is not here, then where?"

"I believe he was heading to Northwind. I hear they are having a particularly good year for wine." Hanse glibly lied.

Ulric's eyes squinted as if trying to see the truth within the Princes words.

"If I find you are lying to me I shall make you suffer worse than Coordinator Kurita did and, believe me, he suffered before his death. I will be taking the blue box, however, and shall brook no arguments."

Hanse nodded his head in compliance, knowing that to resist this man would bring nothing but suffering for his people. "As you wish, Khan Kerensky, I shall have it transported to your Dropship."

Ulric's visage softened just a little. "Very good, then I shall take my leave."

With that Khan Ulric Kerensky of the Wolves turned on his heel and strode from the room leaving Hanse alone with his thoughts.

I hope you get to the bottom of this quickly, Doctor, and I sincerely hope you don't need your TARDIS to do so.

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