Lost History - 6

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New Avalon Institute of Science
New Avalon
Federated Suns
25th December, 3051

Doctor Suresh's hand shook visibly as he extended the test results to the First Prince. It wasn't that the results worried him, though he was unable to explain how the results could show what they did. It was more the presence of Prince Davion that made him nervous. Justin's presence at the Princes side didn't make matters any easier.

"Is the patient stable, doctor?" Hanse asked as he took the results.

"Yes, Sir, as far as we can tell." Came the reply.

"As far as you can tell?" the question lingered unanswered for a moment as Hanse scanned the document. "This isn't possible."

"We thought so too, your Highness, so we reran the tests, three times. They all showed the same thing."

Hanse looked from the doctor to the results and back again.

"Two hearts?"

"What?" Justin exclaimed from beside the Prince. "But that would mean..."

Doctor Suresh nodded. "He's alien."

Hanse shook his head in disbelief. "In nearly a thousand years of space travel we have never encountered intelligent extra-terrestrial life. Now, out of the blue, one turns up in one of my store rooms?"

"I can't explain it, your Highness. All I can say with certainty is that the test results are one hundred percent accurate."

Hanse handed the results to Justin. "Make sure these are filed appropriately please." Then he turned to doctor Suresh. "I'm sorry doctor, but I'm going to have to ask you to hand over all material on this patient to Mr Allard, here."

Doctor Suresh nodded. "I understand, your Highness." Then to Justin. "I will gather all the information myself and deliver it personally to you, sir."

Justin smiled. "Thank you, doctor. Your understanding of the importance of this is very much appreciated."

Hanse laid a hand on Suresh's shoulder. "Now, doctor, I think it's time Justin and I paid our guest a visit."

* * * *

The Doctor was sitting up on his hospital bed with a tray of partially eaten food in front on him. "You'd think that over three thousand years experience would have done something to improve hospital food."

Hanse smiled despite himself. "You would prefer something a little more exotic and alien, Doctor?"

The Doctor arched one eyebrow. "Fish fingers and custard would do. So my little display managed to convince you then?"

"Not as much as these test results," replied Hanse, "But it certainly got our attention. You are somewhat of an anomaly, being the only extra-terrestrial ever to have been encountered."

"Hmmm, an anomaly, I've been called worse."

Justin stepped forward. "So what exactly are you?"

The Doctor leaned back in the bed. "I'm a Time Lord. The last of them as it happens. I travel through time and space in my TARDIS."

Hanse's usual calm expression betrayed his incredulity as he tried to absorb this information. "And why are you here, now?" he continued.

"That, my dear Hanse, is an excellent question! I lost control of the TARDIS mid-flight. Something grabbed it and pulled it through a tear in the space-time vortex into this dimension. That requires a great deal of power, more than all the Inner Sphere combined could generate. There is something terribly wrong here."

"What does this mean for us, Doctor? What do we do?"

"At the moment, I don't know, but I assure you both I will do everything in my power to set this right. I'm here to help you."

Hanse couldn't help but believe the sincerity in this strange mans voice. He quickly came to a decision.

"Justin, arrange for a security clearance for the Doctor, please. I wish to extend to him the full courtesy and knowledge that the NAIS can provide."

Justin was slightly taken aback but quickly composed himself. "As you wish, your Highness."

(Battletech/Doctor Who) Operation: RevivalTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang