Cursed Legacy - 2

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ComGuard Mt Hood Cache
Cascade Mountains
North America
27th March, 3052

They had travelled in the APC for about three hours before rendezvousing with a Ripper transport VTOL which carried them to a hidden ComGuard facility at Mount Hood. Upon their arrival they were bustled into a small conference room where ComGuard senior staff awaited them.

The ROM agent, Mark, whom Justin had met at Barney's motel, greeted them as they entered the room, shaking Justin's hand then introducing himself to the Doctor.

"I'm sorry that you haven't had any time to rest but if what Justin has told us about you is true then we can't afford to wait."

The Doctor nodded his understanding. "It's quite alright, Mark. I'll help any way that I can."

Mark ushered them to a pair of empty seats and offered them hot drinks. As soon as they were seated and served the briefing began. A senior officer stood and unfolded a sheet of paper, his pinch-faced and angry countenance quickly silenced all others present.

"This message has been sent directly by the hand of the Precentor Martial. He has arrived on New Avalon and is currently in discussions with Prince Davion to purchase rights to the TransMat technology that is currently in Federated Suns possession. With this technology at our disposal ComStar could launch an assault on Terra before the year's end, aided by infiltrators sent here via TransMat."

The officer looked at the Doctor then. "This breakthrough would not have been possible without the aid of the Doctor, we have been told. For that we are heavily in your debt, Doctor."

"Well, your timeline's already been corrupted," the Doctor added, "what's a little TransMat tech to balance it all out, eh?"

The speaker smiled then continued. "Quite so. We are, as of this moment, at high alert. Clan Wolf will not let the rescue of the Doctor go unpunished. They will have already sent out search parties and will be conducting interrogations of all their security staff now that they know there was inside assistance. Our proximity here to the Clan Wolf facility is too risky, therefore Command has ordered that we pull back to a secondary site approximately 300 kilometers south of here."

A buzz went around the table at that news and another office interjected.

"With the Wolves stirred up moving all the equipment here will cause a mighty big blip on their radar. We might as well put up a big, glowing sign outside."

"I understand your concern, Precentor Parker, but we have our orders. We will spend the next forty eight hours preparing and checking on Wolf movements. If it is clear at that time we will move out."

Justin raised his hand to speak and the ComStar officer nodded his permission to continue.

"I understand the protection that the ComGuard force here could provide but perhaps stealth might be a better defence. If we left early with a small force before the Wolf searches spread too wide we'd stand a much better chance of ensuring the Doctor's safety."

The ComStar officer pondered Justin's suggestion. "You may have a point, Mister Allard. You have a significant amount of field experience too. If you would be prepared to lead the force I can provide a few good people to serve as security."

Justin smiled and nodded. "I'd be happy to help out in any capacity, Precentor...?"

"Blane. William Blane."

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