Tainted Heritage - 2

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New Avalon Institute of Science
New Avalon
Federated Suns
22nd February, 3052

Doctor Suresh had worked for the NAIS for nearly six years. In that time he had seen the First Prince from a distance perhaps three times. In the past three months he had personally spoken to Hanse Davion five times. He wasn't sure if he liked his new-found popularity or not.

Hanse was, at that moment, standing with Suresh reading over a technical document that had apparently arrived in a transmission from Terra. It had come through using high priority codes that only Justin could have known and used some form of unknown encryption that amazingly decrypted itself once Doctor Suresh had verified receipt of the transmission.

"Are you sure we can do this, Doctor?" asked Hanse with a mystified look on his face.

"I believe so, your Highness. I've been working closely with the team in X-Tech and they think that, given another week, they may be able to have Project: Highway at the prototype stage."

X-Tech was a new division at the NAIS created solely to deal with the information that had been received and dubbed Project: Highway.

"Incredible." muttered Hanse. "I didn't think it would be possible."

"No one did, Sire, but then no one has even considered the possibility before."

Hanse took a deep breath to try and calm his mind. "Well, I want you to continue to monitor the physical effects, Doctor. I want you on-hand at every test. If this is going to work we need to make sure that the test subjects don't suffer any ill effects."

Suresh smile reassuringly and nodded sharply. "Of course, your Highness. I won't let you down."

Hanse clapped Suresh on the shoulder approvingly. "I won't forget all you have done for me and for the Federated Suns. All that's left is to see if we can actually pull this off."

(Battletech/Doctor Who) Operation: RevivalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora