Cursed Legacy - 4

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53 kilometers east of Detroit Lake
Cascade Mountains
North America
1st April, 3052

"Is this some kind of joke, Doctor?"

"You're no April Fool, Precentor Blane." the Doctor replied. "You know this is the only way to resolve this."

Blane lowered his head, he hated what was coming next. "So we have to work with the Wolves."

The ComGuard column had stumbled across the wreckage of the APC and the motionless Red Wolf barely an hour ago. The Doctor had wasted no time in explaining the situation to Precentor Blane and the other senior officers of the column.

"I have guaranteed his safety if he agrees to work with us. This is the only way we can get to Fenric. If you don't work together you won't stand a chance."

"But an assault on Unity City? We won't even get close before the Clans set upon us. It's suicide."

The Doctor shook his head. "Not if Vlad can muster the Wolves. If they get into Unity City first they can strike at the other Clans while we advance from outside the city."

Blane rubbed his head with his hands. "That's an awful lot of ifs there, Doctor."

The Doctor smiled disarmingly. "The universe was built on ifs, Precentor!" He slapped Blane on the shoulder. "I knew you'd come around!"

"Wait, I..."

"No time for that now." The Doctor interrupted. "We've got preparations to make. Now, Vlad is going to head back to Olympia and try to gather as many of the Wolves to his cause as he can. Word is that Ulric headed back to Unity City three days ago so we have to start marching now if we hope to co-ordinate with Vlad's Wolves. Also, I'm going to need something from you."

"Oh, yes, Doctor? And what exactly would that be?"

The Doctor smiled his most charming smile. "I need a BattleMech."

(Battletech/Doctor Who) Operation: RevivalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora