Lost History - 5

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Security Detention Centre
Mount Davion
New Avalon
Federated Suns
24th December, 3051

Hanse Davion stared at the empty chair on the other side of the reinforced plexiglass wall waiting for the detainee to be brought in. He was not in the habit of personally visiting prisoners but there was something about this man that intrigued him and he could not figure out why.

He was not kept waiting long before the door in the back wall of the other room was opened and the prisoner was escorted in. His guard lead him to the empty chair where he sat down then retired out the door to the rear of the room.

The Doctors face showed excitement as he recognized the man on the other side of the clear wall.

"Hanse Davion! What an honour, Sir!"

Hanse smiled. "Thank you, but you have me at a bit of a disadvantage, Mr...?"

"Doctor will do." The prisoner responded.

"Doctor who?" enquired Hanse.

"If you wish, though I normally use Smith. It raises fewer questions."

"Indeed." Hanse raised an eyebrow. "Doctor, you have been here the best part of two days yet we can not deduce how you, or that blue box of yours, got into the Palace. Perhaps you can enlighten me?"

"Ah, now that one's easy. That blue box, as you refer to it, is my TARDIS. It materialized in that room in which I was found. Sorry about the water damage."

Hanse waved away the apology. "Materialised, Doctor? You mean it appeared from out of thin air?"

"Now you're getting it!" the Doctor smiled as a teacher would to a student who had suddenly understood a simple lesson.

"And where, exactly, did you come from?" Hanse continued, deciding to humour the man.

"That's a very good question because from where I came, technically, it should be impossible to get here."

"Really, Doctor? So you shouldn't even be here at all?" Hanse's tone was bordering on extremely sarcastic.

"That's right. There are strict rules, you know, very strict rules governing the ability to travel between dimensional existences. Whatever pulled the TARDIS through must be very powerful, very powerful indeed."

Hanse held up a cylindrical device that had been taken from the Doctor's pockets when he was taken into custody.

"Can you explain this to me, Doctor? Is it a weapon?"

"A weapon? No, well, it depends on your physical make up but normally no. It's my sonic screwdriver."

"A screwdriver?" Hanse didn't look impressed.

"Well, it's more than just a screwdriver. It can....well, it does.....well," the Doctor deflated a little. "Yes, it's a screwdriver."

"So apart from your mysterious blue box and a," Hanse looked at the object again, skeptically, "screwdriver, what evidence can you produce to prove that you come from another dimension?"

"Hmmmm. I see your point, Hanse. Perhaps I can offer this..." The Doctor stopped suddenly gasping and clutching at his chest. A pained expression twisted his face and he dropped from the chair onto the floor and lay still.

"Guards! Quickly!" Hanse shouted.

Two guards burst into the room where the Doctor lay.

"Get that man to the infirmary now!" I want you alive Doctor. There are too many questions that you have yet to answer.

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