Tainted Heritage - 6

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Office of the First Lord
Unity City
North America
19th March, 3052

Elias Crichell glared at Ulric Kerensky who stood before the First Lord's desk with a slight smile on his face. Khan Crichell couldn't quite tell if it was amused or mocking but either way he did not like the Wolf Khan's expression.

"So good of you to grace us with your presence, Khan Kerensky." Elias' voice dripped with sarcasm. "I trust your voyage to New Avalon was uneventful?"

Ulric's stare never left Leo Showers face. "On the contrary. First Lord, I return to you with news of a most alarming nature. It appears that First Prince Hanse Davion personally authorised the attack on the Great Terran Repository. Sadly I learned this only after I had left New Avalon. I would have returned to bring Davion to justice but felt it only right that the appropriate bidding process take place for the honor of dealing with the traitor."

The First Lord of the Star League looked concerned. "This is alarming, as you say, though we would be naïve to think the House Lords would simply bend their knee without any attempt on our authority."

Elias erupted in outrage. "Naïve?! We must act quickly and decisively upon this. I insist that an invasion of the Federated Suns be sanctioned by the Grand Council immediately! The Jade Falcons will spearhead the assault and we will not stop until we hold New Avalon in our talons!"

Leo shook his head. "Calm yourself, Khan Crichell. This is not the time..."

"Actually, ilKhan, Khan Crichell is absolutely right." Ulric interrupted.

That caught both of them off guard. "Explain yourself, Khan Kerensky." Demanded the ilKhan.

"The longer we let this crime go unpunished the more the House Lords will believe that we are unable to respond. They will believe we are weak and they will grow bolder, perhaps to the point where they will threaten Terra."

Elias snorted derisively. "While I appreciate your words of support, Khan Kerensky, we have proven our strength to the Inner Sphere. We brushed their armies aside during the Invasion. No force they can bring to bear will pose any threat to our holdings here."

"You are correct, Khan Crichell, we did sweep through their ranks, my Wolves know this better than any other Clan. However, we were moving targets then facing their forces piecemeal. We have limited numbers here until our production facilities are completed and if the Inner Sphere decide to launch a mass, co-operative strike on Terra we do not have the forces to repel them."

"You speak like you are afraid of the Inner Sphere surats. My Falcons would sooner die than relinquish our rightful place here on Terra!"

Ulric nodded. "And that is what your Falcons are likely to do if we sit here on Terra and allow the Inner Sphere the chance to take the initiative. This is why I believe we should strike at the Federated Suns. IlKhan, let the Falcons avenge this disgrace by invading the Davion worlds. They fought honorably during the invasion and have earned this right. My Wolves will not bid."

Leo Showers eyes squinted as he tried to deduce Ulric's intention. "The Smoke Jaguars also fought bravely and honorably during the invasion, as did the Ghost Bears. To deny them the right to bid is not the Clan way. Would you truly deny the Wolves this opportunity, Khan Kerensky?"

Ulric made the pretense of pondering the ilKhan's question for a moment. "I would, ilKhan Showers. Clan Wolf has reaped enough glory; we are the ilClan. The prestige we hold cannot be matched by any other Clan."

"What you have said is true, Ulric, though I find myself glad that I am not a Wolf warrior. To miss any chance of bringing honor to my Clan would be more than I could bear."

Ulric's visage darkened for a second at the ilKhan's words. "There is more to honor than just combat and more to combat than simply wading into battle. Clan Wolf has proven its prowess on the battlefield. We continue to show our prowess off it."

What are you up to, Ulric? Leo thought to himself. "Very well, I shall open the Trial to the Jade Falcons, Smoke Jaguars and Ghost Bears only. Bargain well, Elias. You are both dismissed."

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