Chapter 64-Dinner Interrupted

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Chapter 64
Dinner Interrupted

Lucien POV


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"No, I-I'm just nervous today f-for some reason a-and not knowing what that reason i-is, makes me e-even more nervous" I say and pout as Kyler chuckles.

"I know what you mean, I think we all have those moments and even days" he says and sets the menu down. "Still, take a look at the menu. Try to eat something, you'll regret if you don't with Alexei and me ordering and eating right in front of you."

The food here is good and he's admittedly right but I'm still unsettled. Alexei comes back when I'm about to take the menu and he sits next to me. Hearing from Kyler I have trouble, Alexei frowns and looks at me sternly.

"Lucien, you have to eat something, even a little. I let you skip lunch but not happening again, so if you don't, I'm ordering for you."

"That is what I said, but what do you mean?" Kyler asks.

"Even if he's nervous, you have to watch he's eating" Alexei says, and I know he's just looking out for me but I want to disappear right about now. "Something happened, and he almost developed an eating disorder. We still have to watch it."

"It's not a-about t-that now" I mutter embarrassed.

"Whatever it is, the waitress is coming soon and your order is told either by your or my choice."

I'm embarrassed but him being strict and caring is what I need when I'm in this indecisive, nervous mood. If he and I were alone right now, I would kiss him. As we're not, I just pick up the menu as he does the same.


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I'm shaking and clinging onto Alexei's arm for my dear life. He's glaring with a hard, cold face around and Kyler's eyes are as wide as mine. A man dressed differently but still masked, walks forth and meets us.

"Too many of you, you can and have to leave" the man says pointing his gun at Kyler.

"I am not leaving Lucien here" Kyler says firmly with a steady voice. I look at him and if my tongue worked, I'd yell at him to go. Damn it!

The man snickers. "Oh, he won't be left here, don't you worry, old man. Fine, you may stay and watch if you prefer. I'm ordered to take Lucien Feywin with us, so if you two step aside, no harm is done to anybody."

"Over my dead body" Alexei says with a sinister smile and steps protectively in front of me.

As they challenge each other with their eyes, I look around for his security and don't find any of them in sight. We're unarmed. I feel faint and as much as I don't want to be taken, I don't want Alexei or Kyler to get hurt. This is bizarre, who does this kind of a thing to get me, and who...

"Boss said it's not yet time for games, so I'm afraid this hero act won't give me any other option."

Another gunshot and Alexei slumps against Kyler, his expression not faltering. Except I see pain through his eyes, and I notice he's been shot in the chest. Oh my god. No, no, nah-uh.

"Now, be a good boy and come with us" the man says closer to me, but my blurry eyes stare at my lover while my body is frozen. The man is impatient and grabs my arm, then starts walking with me. How is this so easy for them? Surely the police are called, or somebody who can stop this, help? With our security, this doesn't make sense. "Oh, you both will so get what y'all deserve."


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Kyler tells he'll follow us behind, so I get to join Alexei in the car. Adrenaline is still running through me and I fight against hyperventilating. Need to be strong and ready to help Alexei.

The hospital is quite close by. They have to practically get me off Alexei by force. Seeing him being wheeled inside on that bed in that condition and realizing I'm alone, my cries get louder and stronger. I feel the urge to run away and run inside at the same time.

"Please calm down, sir" a lady, from the ambulance who's with me, says but I just trash in her iron hold on me. "Calm down, your boyfriend is getting now all the help he can and we just have to wait. I won't lie, he's in critical condition but we will make it. You want him to get the chance to make it, don't you?"


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Fresh tears leak from my eyes, but I won't have this. Picking up my courage to speak before the doctor leaves, I don't let my legs fail me. There has to be somebody who can help, Alexei's blood can't be a different one from all of us. This can't be the reason we lose him.

"Surely y-you can search a-around a-and find somebody, a-anybody who can help Alexei? He'll make it, we won't give u-up, so who has the right b-blood type? Tell me that a-and do i-it!" I break in sobs after my outburst and let my weak body be supported by the hug Kyler takes me in.

"I have."

I freeze and my heart literally stops for enough beats to make me breathless at hearing that voice again. I didn't know this day could get worse than it already is.


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