Chapter 41-Back To The Adventure

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Chapter 41
Back To The Adventure

Lucien POV

Even if I was anxious, it wasn't too much trouble to get me into the car. There's Alexei and three other people in this car which drives us to the mansion after I've been discharged from the hospital about half an hour ago.

I think...I'm in a bit of a stupor. I'm fine enough to go home but I had a headache earlier and they gave me painkillers...and I think they were strong. They helped with the pain in my head but I feel very funny now.

I do like this though, feeling quite light and tired too. Because of that, I get to sit right next to Alexei and rest my head on his shoulder, leaning against him. He feels so strong and safe, too, I mentally sigh and giggle.

I've grown even more attached to him than I was before the hospital stay, and I don't know if it's good or bad. He's been awfully nice and helpful during this time, and I even dare say we've had some eye contact and...affectionate moments.

No, I don't think he likes me or I like him, but I do think we're closer and more than friends. Neither of us have mentioned about the soulmate thing, it's still something I'm not comfortable with, and Alexei is denying or hiding it very well.

Well, if there is this thing called soulmates, there has to be time for it as well. I'd like to believe in it, but I want us to like each other for us, not just because we're supposed to. And that needs time.

Too deep and heavy thoughts, I shake my head and steer my wandering thoughts to other things. For example, remembering back to Monday when Daddy and Papa came to visit me in the hospital. They flew back home yesterday afternoon, today is Thursday. I think. Yeah, yes it is, I remember yesterday was Wednesday and I slept one more night over there.

I hate hospitals, absolutely hate them. Alexei made it bearable however this time and my parents' visit was a welcoming distraction. The time passed surprisingly fast.

I wasn't too fond of going out as it's the middle of December, so my time with Daddy and Papa was limited within the hospital walls. Alexei came to check up on me on those days, too, but he let me spend time with my parents. It was appreciated, and I cherished the extra time given to me with them...even under the circumstances.

They got a friend to take guard over home during their stay here, and damn, was the beginning of it stressful for me. Daddy worried and fussed so much I almost snapped. I understand his kid in the hospital makes him concerned and the accident was frightening to all of us, but in the end Papa had to shake some sense into him, to calm down.

The rest was blissful. I had my bad moments but they were with me, by my side. They both insisted on sleeping on a small mattress on my hospital room floor. What they're still doing for me, is something I can never be too thankful of and appreciate too much.

I'm thrown back into the present when Alexei tells me we're at the mansion. I realize the car has stopped so I let him help me get out and walk to the mansion front door. I would be a little too clumsy by myself, I think. Drugs easily affect me, and while the thought of any drugs still terrify me, I trust Alexei. This medical drug made me feel better anyway.

I stumble over the front door threshold even if Alexei just warned me about it, and that makes me giggle. Feeling this light and jolly is nice. For a change.

I'm taken straight upstairs to our room and Alexei sets me down on fresh, clean sheets that engulfs my small self. The bed is heaven compared to the hospital bed, my eyes close as soon as my head hits the pillow.

Alexei gets some necessary things done on his laptop while I take another nap before it's dinner time. When I wake up, the mood from the painkillers have faded but I have no headache fortunately. I feel exhausted though, and my body somewhat aches at least where one of my surgery scars are on my side. Without me needing to voice my feelings, Alexei seems to get it and makes me lie back down and tells me he'll get my dinner in here.


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