Chapter 10-Meeting The Giant

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Chapter 10
Meeting The Giant

Lucien POV


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Now it's the following morning, quarter to 8 AM, and I'm currently choosing today's clothes. 5 minutes later I have chosen denim skinny jeans and a white hoodie. At least there are nice hoodies to choose from. Pretty precisely seconds after I'm dressed, there is a knock on the door. Knowing Destiny is still sleeping her hangover off, I go to open the door. Well, unlock it. As soon as I have done that, the door bursts open and in comes Dawn.

"Lucy, you will never guess what has just happened" Dawn says excitedly after stepping in and I close the door after her. I roll my eyes, since the name changes and me being Lucien she started to call me Lucy as a joke.

"B-But you're g-going to tell m-me?" I query, amused.

She rarely is so excited this early in the morning. As far as I know I'm the only morning person here, for a fact at least in our gang.

"Nope, you're coming with me right now and I will show you" Dawn says with a big, mischievous smile.

Before I have time to respond in any way, she grabs my arm, opens the door and drags me out of the room. And the next thing I know, I'm downstairs and in the dining hall.

"You know Alexei Portwin, right?" Dawn asks me as soon as we got there.

"N-no" I say confused and a little out of breath. But at least we have similar surnames, with my new name being Feywin. Huh.

"No?" Dawn looks at me like I'm kidding. "You're literally the first person telling me with that serious face that you don't know him, everybody knows or has heard of him."

"W-who is he t-then?"

"He is over there, that very dark brown haired absolutely gorgeous man who is talking with Miles and your Rian" Dawn says pointing at their direction.

Everybody knows I'm gay, and I am not the only one in here. For the most, it's actually a normal thing and I've come across gay and lesbian couples show affection just like straight ones. At least I'm not going to be bullied here for being gay. I spot the trio and have to admit this Alexei is rather good looking. But for me, too good looking.

"And he is a state famous male model, as I said everybody has heard of him and knows his oh so gorgeous face" Dawn adds, her voice and expression full of admiration. "He is good friends with Miles, and apparently getting along with your Rian too."

"Stop s-saying m-my Rian" I say annoyed, blushing already knowing what she means by that.

"But why? You're pretty close, you two are like a team already so you would make a great couple" Dawn says and I look at her shock-surprised. "Besides, he likes you and you like him."

"I l-like Rian a-as a friend a-and like a b-brother" I say defensively.

"That's a start" she says nodding, serious about this matter. I sigh and don't say anything more, it would be useless. "Okay, let's get some breakfast. Rian and Miles noticed us so let's go."


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"So, you're okay with it and take the guards?" Liesbet asks after a few seconds of silence, while I keep thinking I can't do it.

Personal bodyguards follow and are with you all the time, and we're talking about men. Of course they are supposedly trustworthy but the problem is only in my head. I'm not good with other boys or men, I would be a nervous wreck all the time. I need more time to get used to people in general. And, those big men are intimidating and freaking me out. And how little privacy would I have? Not enough.

"Yes" Rian says.

"N-no" I say. I know I'm stubborn but the idea is just beyond. I wouldn't do this voluntarily.

"Fine" Mr. Blumenfeld sighs, sitting back down on his chair and smirks. I don't like that smirk of his, it's creepy and usually followed by something I don't like. "Lucien, you come back here after lunch hour, now go to breakfast. Thanks for your time. Rian, you're getting a personal bodyguard every single time you go out of this mansion, from this moment forward."

And that is it.

Or so I thought. How wrong I was.


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Aaaand there's my ship *^* let it sail even if the beginning isn't the smoothest....

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