Chapter 5-Chosen Namelessly

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Chapter 5
Chosen Namelessly

August POV


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"Our main studio is in Flowevallie, New York, and near that place is your new home" Mr. Blumenfeld says.

"New Y-York?! I have n-never b-been anywhere n-near New York" I say, almost excited for a quick moment.

"Getting excited about that, aren't we?" Mr. Blumenfeld smirks noticing that, and my face drops.

"N-no" I pout and he chuckles, so does Julian almost too. "T-this is w-wrong, d-don't you have a h-heart, w-why are you d-doing this?"

"I'm just doing my job, young man" he says and I scoff. "And as I said, it would be a regretful waste of such a beautiful and potential guy like you. Julian here was luckily an easier pick."

"I'm n-not b-beautiful or p-potential" I say sharply, making a mental note to remember to look what 'potential' means, and then glare at Julian. "You w-were on t-their s-side!"

"Yeah, at first. I'm not anymore, now that I know what they're like and did to you" Julian says glaring at Mr. Blumenfeld and Ms. Madison. He looks angry, I'm just frustrated, anxious and admittedly still scared.

I don't want to be, and because I haven't my backpack or anything I have to mentally speak good, positive things and courage to myself amidst all this. With dim results yet but still.


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At some point soon we stop, however just quickly and only for Mr. Blumenfeld to tell us to stay put while he and Ms. Madison go out of the car for a private talk. I wasn't going to just sit still, I have to try. Once they're out, I stand up on my shaky feet and try to reach my backpack.

"What are you doing?" Julian hisses as silently as possible, as the limo car door is slightly open.

"I have t-to t-try, this m-may be our o-only c-chance and I w-want away f-from here" I say as silently. Damn stutter! I'm nervous, but still, it's embarrassing.

"No" he shakes his head and moves to pull me back to the seat next to him. "You're only making things worse, they can still hear and see us."

I intended to refuse, but I stay still and know I can't get away from this, like Julian says. So I clasp my hands on my lap and after a moment of silence again look at his side.

"Thank y-you."

"For what?" Julian asks, when I glance up at his face he's frowning but he still has a soft expression on his face.


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"I'm sorry but you have to eat" she says, her voice is sweet and understanding but still everything else in my ears. "You have to take care of yourself, eat healthy and regularly, to become and be a model. And I am here to help in everything and watch over you, so you will eat when you're told to. And you can call me Liesbet, darling."

That was me put to order. I'm not her darling, her calling me that is like an insult to me, but I don't say anything. The room service comes, and she and I eat a healthy late night dinner at the glass table and couch chairs. Everything is rich and so not me, but it's what I have to get used to, I guess. What is the purpose of this? I know there has to be one. I suppose I need to go and find out. After the rich dinner, the luggage is brought to the room.

"This is your luggage, darling" Ms. Madison...Liesbet says and I'm confused.

"B-but it isn't m-mine, I h-haven't a-anything..."

"Don't think we wouldn't take care of you" she cuts me off firmly but still kindly. "We will provide to you everything you need from now on, and right now you need some clothes first. So take your bag and there are your pajamas for a start and other clothes before we can go shopping. I'm here and prepared for a girl for the other one so I know this is strange, but we'll make it until it's changed."

I obey, taking my new bag and opening it only to find it full of fancy clothes I'm so not used to wear. Oh my god, I have to turn to a city boy and that won't be easy, I just know it. That is just not me, but I guess it's the new me. In this country I've always lived in countryside and I love it as long as the city is also near. You can go home and be at home and peace whenever you need, and then when you want you can go to the city hustle.


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