Chapter 51-Normal, Sensible Jealousy

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Dedicated chapter finally to Komal_Sandhu20 , been an amazing, major inspiration for this story's progress and updating more often than without you. Thank you for everything and your support! ❤️🥺

Chapter 51
Normal, Sensible Jealousy

Lucien POV


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Since yesterday dinner, our gang knows we're back together. Some are less confident about us lasting, because of Alexei's reputation and nature, than others. I'm very confident, they don't know enough to make the judgements.

I make it to our room and as I enter, my heart skips a beat or two hearing Alexei talking on the phone. He's pacing in the middle of the room and talks heatedly to somebody, making me concerned if everything is alright.

Patiently, I wait for him to finish his phone call. I don't particularly listen to what he's saying, it's not my business. It takes a few more minutes until Alexei hangs up the phone.

"I apologize, you didn't need to hear that" he says, finally looking at me as he rubs his neck.

I give him a reassuring smile it's okay, it was me who walked in on it anyway. "Bad d-day?"

"Kind of" Alexei says and throws his phone on the bed. "This business is bullshit sometimes. You have to put up with these crazy, temperamental people. If there's one thing I can't stand it's temperamental people, fucking yelling straight out all the time! Why do they have to fucking scream? Why can't they do business in a normal, sensible manner like I do?!"

I can't stop the giggle that escapes my lips at his raised voice, yelling himself now, and how he claps his hands together at the last words.

"I-I don't know, t-they're just not a-as calm, level-headed p-people l-like you a-are" I say amused and he purses his lips.

"Yeah" he mutters and sits down next to me, composing himself to calm down.

Smiling, I wrap my arms around him, nuzzling my face against his chest and breathing in his scent. I can feel the tension in his body deflate and soon I feel the butterflies again when his arm goes around my waist to hold me as close as possible.

I love his strong, safe but gentle touch, and it's all so special because I know he's not like this normally. Just with me, he can be freely like this.

"I missed y-you" I whisper with a blush.


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"As much as I'd want to continue, we have to wait for later" Alexei says with a deep, husky voice affected by our kiss. He brushes some hair off my face with his fingers. "I have to send a quick email before dinner. You look a little tired, rest here while I hopefully finish work for today."

I do as he says gladly, I am a bit tired from getting back to the everyday life here after the holidays.

While Alexei is on his laptop at the desk, I almost doze off under the peaceful, cozy atmosphere. Almost.

I keep listening to the typing on the laptop and hearing him near me keeps me calm and relax with my eyes closed, snuggled up against the blankets.


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"Nice my ass" Alexei mutters and wraps his arms around me from behind. "You don't see the way he looks at you, do you?"

"What d-do y-you mean?" I ask, nervously.

Brandon is a familiar face and a new name to me. He's not in our gang but often lately hangs out with us and some other guys, and he's always very nice and friendly.

"He fancies you, that's what I mean" Alexei says, ending with a growling sound. My eyes widen as I blush at the news. "He's a nice guy, I know him, but he's also that nice because he wants your attention. That's not good, I don't want him to prep you or anything. Don't get too close with him, alright? Besides, I should be the only one allowed to prep you. You're mine."

I bite my tongue enough hard that I don't let out the whimper that his words and low, appealing voice causes in me. I can feel his hot breath against my neck.

Him talking like this gives me the intense tingles and pleasure inside. As I realize the double meaning to prep me, my whole face flushes and I untangle myself from his grip. If we don't stop now, we'll be late for dinner.

"Okay, o-okay, w-whatever you s-say but l-let's, let's go n-now" I agree with him, already at the door trying my hardest to force down my blush.

Alexei smirks and smacks my butt passing me as we exit the safety of our room.

I huff closing the door, but grin when I realize he just now got jealous. Alexei Portwin is jealous and over me.

He reassures my suspicion when he takes my hand into his as we walk downstairs, and doesn't let go until we're forced to when we need our hands to carry our dinner trays.


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