Chapter 45-Cutting The Ground

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Chapter 45
Cutting The Ground

Lucien POV


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No matter how happy I am about us, I'm also scared. There was only the option for me to say eyes and I want to be with Alexei, but how long will this last? Or how am I going to get the courage to tell him about me, my secret? And If I do, he most likely won't want to be even my friend.

I'll lose him, one way or another.

I move a little closer to Alexei, so my head rests on his sprawled arm, and snuggle up to him. I haven't showered in two days, so I must smell and I'd be embarrassed about it but so hasn't Alexei, so we're both in the same boat.

We have got a little closer during these days, and we have been kissing a lot. After many of those moments a cold shower would be useful, but by now it's too cold.

I'm worried about this. Let's face it, Alexei is a sexual person, and I can't go further than make outs. Us exclusively dating won't be fun for him, and I feel bad. Will he be with me even after realizing we're not doing more? I have too many questions and concerns, but I try taking one day at a time and treasure this time with him.

Alexei's arm twitches under my head and I still keep on looking at his face even when he opens his eyes. He smirks, not anymore questioning my habit of watching him sleep as he's caught me few times already, and I blush.

Before I get to move to give him space, he lifts his arm causing my head lay against his chest with his arm gently around my neck. We both wear t-shirts and sweatpants under the two or three layers of blankets around us.

"What time is it?" Alexei asks quietly with his voice husky from sleep.

I unintentionally shiver at that voice. We've been roommates and I think friends for a while but nearly everything feels and sounds different to me now that we're boyfriends. Since I realized my feelings towards him.

"A-around 8" I tell him, enjoying it when he brushes his fingers through my hair repeatedly. To be honest, I'm surprised how affectionate he has been with me.

Alexei hums and then lifts my chin up so I'm facing him. I know what is coming, so I meet up halfway as he leans down to kiss me. I always let him kiss me, because I like it just as well and because I can.

We haven't yet told anybody here we're now a real couple. To the public we don't need to obviously, they already 'know'. I need a little time to get used to this before the others make a fuss of it, and Alexei agrees.

The kiss is slow, lingering and passionate. When we pull away, I need to catch my own breath. There is nothing to do for the rest of today so we probably won't get out of bed until tomorrow morning. Except for bathroom, so correction, won't get out of our room.


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It's a moment of our lips again locked together that we hear the door suddenly open and somebody come in. Alexei groans in annoyance as I freeze and open my eyes. The steps stop to a halt, my eyes widening as I pull away from the kiss and get off him, stumbling over to fall on the floor with a yelp.

"What's going on here?" Dawn asks slowly, I hear her voice before daring to look up to see who came in and saw Alexei and me private.

I look up to Alexei who has sat up and is already looking at me with a questioning gaze. He's asking me if he can tell her, and I nod with a shrug, blushing.

Alexei smirks. "Nothing much, we were just having a private moment as boyfriends which you harshly interrupted."

"Private moment as boyfriends? You don't have private moments as boyfriends" Dawn remarks with a still blank, dumbfounded expression.


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We take our flashlight with us and follow our newly engaged friend apparently downstairs and to the living room where the rest of our friends and more are gathered.

I want to go back up to our room, I don't like being in this big, spooky space. Holding Alexei's hand sounds appealing and comforting, but I don't want to risk others thinking too much of it.

Everybody sat down, Dawn and Rian tells us he proposed earlier today and she said yes. They are showered with congratulations and I'm happy for both of them.

They are quite young, Dawn is 18 and Rian 19 to my knowledge, and their relationship is too short for my opinion to get engaged, but I won't judge.

When Rian and I talk after the announcement for a while, just small talk and catching up, I don't even need to ask Rian if this is what he wants. They ooze of their love and happiness of being together and officially. I wish them all the best and that they last.

When Rian returns to his fiancée's side, I realize he and I both have found love in here, against all odds. It's actually wonderful, because...

Wait, what did I just think? Love? Both of us? Slow down, Lucien, come on! No, Rian has found love. I...I'm just trying to learn how to be in a relationship and figuring if it will last. I'm not there yet, in love, surely.


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